1. Jimmy Kimmel is a comedian. What he does, for a living, is to make people laugh. It's called comedy.
2. And yes, most comedies are stupid.
3. This one, Kids Table on government shutdown, happens not to be so stupid.
4. It's humor, or black humor. Like all good humor or black humor in particular, it makes fun of the very people the comedian belongs to himself, for being caught in bad circumstances, often and especially, of their own making.
5. The joke, as was both intended and actually delivered, IS on the Americans who are stuck in debt, with no way out. The joke is NOT on the creditor, China, in this case.
6. In this particular case, "killing everybody in China" has no specific meaning. It could well be "flying to Mars", or "hiding in trees", as long as it conveys the same level of impracticality or absurdity.
7. China is not a race. It's a country. So in this particular context, "killing everybody in China" can be replaced with "killing everybody in Britain", "killing everybody in Israel", "killing everybody in Nigeria" if the primary creditor were UK, Israel, or Nigeria. Nobody in their right mind can and should smell racism.
8. In this country, if a kid suggests "killing everybody in the bank" to his parents as a solution for the family to get out of debt, at the kitchen table in the same manner as this kid in the Kids Table, neither the police nor the bank's employees would be panicking or offended. For if they did, they would be deemed too stupid to conduct their respective line of business.
9. Our fellow Chinese need to get a grip, stop looking for reasons to feel offended, chill out.
10. Please get a life.