trompe-l'œil 假象 photograph-like realism in painting; literally "trick the eye"
trou de loup 有尖桩的陷阱 literally "wolf trap", a kind of booby trap.
unique 独一的 One of a kind. Unique is considered a paradigmatic absolute and therefore something cannot be very unique.
vas-y! 去吧 Go Ahead! Used to encourage someone (pronounced vah-zee)
va-t'en! 走开 imperative form, like above, literally meaning "Go from here" but translating more closely as "Go away". Roughly equivalent to idiomatic English get lost or get out.
vendu (pl. vendus) 已售的 sellout. Lit. sold (past tense of "vendre" = to sell); used as a noun, it means someone who betrays for money. vin de pays 非名酒,普通酒 literally "county wine"; wine of a lower designated quality than appellation controlée
vinaigrette 醋酸沙司 salad dressing of oil and vinegar; diminutive of vinaigre (vinegar)
vis-à-vis 面对面 "face to face [with]" : in comparison with or in relation to; opposed to. From "vis" (conjugated form of "voir", to see). In French, it's also a real estate vocabulary word meaning that your windows and your neighbours' are within sighting distance (more precisely, that you can see inside of their home).
vive [...]! 万岁 "Long live...!"; lit. "Live"; as in "Vive la France!", "Vive la République!", “Vive la Résistance!”, "Vive le Canada!", or "Vive le Québec libre!" (long live free Quebec, a sovereigntist slogan famously used by French President Charles de Gaulle in 1967 in Montreal). Unlike "viva" (Spanish) or "vivat" (Latin), it cannot be used as such, it needs a complement.
voilà! 那就是 literally "see there"; in French it can mean simply "there it is"; in English it is generally restricted to a triumphant revelation.
volte-face 大转变 a complete reversal of opinion or position, about face
英语里的法语词汇(二十六) succès d’estime 只受到行家的赏识 a "success of esteem" [critical success], sometimes used pejoratively
Système D 脱身的妙计 resourcefulness, or ability to work around the system; from débrouillard, one with the knack of making do. A typical phrase using this concept would translate directly to "Thanks to System D, I managed to fix this cupboard without the missing part."
tableau 黑板,公告栏 chalkboard. The meaning is broader in French : all type of board (chalkboard, whiteboard, notice board...). Refers also to a painting (see tableau vivant, below) or a table (chart).
tableau vivant 由活人扮演的静态画面 literally "living picture", the term describes a striking group of suitably costumed actors or artist's models, carefully posed and often theatrically lit.
tant mieux 太好了 so much the better.
tant pis 算了,活该,倒霉 "too bad," "oh well, that's tough".
tête-à-tête 单独会面,密探 "head to head"; an intimate get-together or private conversation between two people.
toilette 厕所 the process of dressing or grooming. Also refers in French, when plural ("les toilettes"), to the toilet room.
tour de force 力气活;壮举 "feat of strength" : a masterly or brilliant stroke, creation, effect, or accomplishment.
tout de suite 立刻 lit. everything (else) follows; "at once", "immediately" (per Oxford English Dictionary).
très beau 非常美 very beautiful
sauté 跳起的;煎炒食物 lit. jumped ; quickly fry in a small amount of oil.
savant 博学的;学者 "knowing" : a wise or learned person; in English, one exceptionally gifted in a narrow skill.
savoir-faire 本领;才干 literally "know how to do"; to respond appropriately to any situation.
savoir-vivre 处世之道 fact of following conventional norms within a society; etiquette (etiquette also comes from a French word, "étiquette")
s'il vous plaît (SVP)请您 "if it pleases you", "if you please"
si vous préférez 如果您喜欢 "if you prefer"
sobriquet 绰号;外号 an assumed name, a nickname (often used in a pejorative way in French)
soupçon 少量 a very small amount (In French, can also mean suspicion)
soupe du jour 当日靓汤 "soup of the day", meaning the particular kind of soup offered that day.
répondez s'il vous plaît. (RSVP) 请您回电 Please reply. Though francophones may use more usually "prière de répondre", it is common enough. (Note: RSLP ["Répondre s'il lui plaît"] is used on old-fashioned invitations written in the 3rd person, usually in "Script" typography — at least in Belgium.)
ressentiment 不满,很怒 a deep-seated sense of aggrievement and powerlessness
restaurateur 餐馆老板 a restaurant owner
Rive Gauche 巴黎塞纳河的右岸 the left (southern) bank (of the River Seine in Paris). A particular mindset attributed to inhabitants of that area, which includes the Sorbonne
roi fainéant 甩手国王 "do-nothing king" : an expression first used about the kings of France from 670 to 752 (Thierry III to Childeric III), who were puppets of their ministers. The term was later used about other royalty who had been made powerless, also in other countries, but lost its meaning when parliamentarism made all royals powerless.
rôle 角色 a part or function of a person in a situation or an actor in a play
roman à clef 根据真人真事写的小说 "novel with a key" : an account of actual persons, places or events in fictional guise
sang-froid 冷血的 "cold blood" : coolness and composure under strain; stiff upper lip. Also pejorative in the phrase meurtre de sang-froid ("cold-blooded murder").
sans 没有 without
sans-culottes 无套裤衩 "without knee-pants", a name the insurgent crowd in the streets of Paris gave to itself during the French Revolution, because they usually wore pantaloons (full-length pants or trousers) instead of the chic knee-length culotte of the nobles. In modern use: holding strong republican views.
saperlipopette 天哪(表示惊讶) goodness me
英语里的法语词汇(二十三) quelle horreur! 多么恐怖啊! What a horrible thing! (can be used sarcastically).
Qu'est-ce que c'est ? 这是什么 "What is this/that?"
quoi de neuf? 怎么了? "What's new?" What's up?
raconteur 叙述者 a storyteller
raison d'état 借口国家利益 reason of state (always with a capital "é" in French).
raison d'être 存在的理由 "reason for being" : justification or purpose of existence
rapport 关系,联系 to be in someone's "good graces"; to be in synch with someone; "I've developed a rapport with my co-workers"; French for: relationship
rapprochement 关系接近 the establishment of cordial relations, often used in diplomacy
renaissance 复兴 meaning rebirth, a cultural movement in the 14-17th centuries
reportage 报道 reporting; journalism
英语里的法语词汇(二十二) pour encourager les autres 为了鼓励其他人 "to encourage others"; said of an excessive punishment meted out as an example. The original is from Voltaire's Candide and referred to the execution of Admiral John Byng.
pourboire 小费 "for drink"; gratuity, tip; donner un pourboire: to tip.
prêt-à-porter 现成服装 "ready to wear" (clothing off the shelf), in contrast to haute couture
première dame 第一夫人 "first lady"
prie-dieu 跪凳 "pray [to] God"; a type of prayer desk
prix fixe 固定价格 "fixed price"; a menu where multi-course meals with only a few choices are charged at a fixed price
protégé/e 得宠者 a man/woman who receives support from an influential mentor.
provocateur 能言善辩的人 a polemicist
Quai d'Orsay 凯道赛(法国外交部所在地) address of the French foreign ministry in Paris, used to refer to the ministry itself.
Quatorze juillet 7月14日 法国国庆 "14th July" Bastille Day. The beginning of the French Revolution in 1789; used to refer to the Revolution itself and its ideals. It is the French National Day.
Pied-Noir 原住阿尔及利亚后返回法国的侨民 literally "black foot", a European Algerian in the pre-independence state.
pied-à-terre 落脚处 "foot-on-the-ground" or "foothold"; a place to stay, generally applied to the city house in contradistinction to the country estate of the wealthy
pis-aller 权宜之计 "worse"; an undesirable option selected because the other choices were even worse
piste 足迹,跑道 referring to skiing at a ski area (on piste) versus skiing in the back country (off piste).
plat du jour 当天特菜 a dish served in a restaurant on a particular day but which is not part of the regular menu; literally "dish of the day"
plongeur (fem. plongeuse) 跳水运动员 a male (or female) dishwasher
plus royaliste que le roi 维护别人利益比其本人更起劲 "more royalist than the king", i.e. more enthusiastic than the cause deserves
point d'appui 据点(军事),支点 a location where troops are assembled prior to a battle. While this figurative meaning also exists in French, the first and literal meaning of "point d'appui" is a fixed point which a person or a thing uses in order to execute a movement (e.g. a footing in climbing or a pivot).
pomme 苹果 apple
poseur 装腔作势的人 "poser" : a person who pretends to be something he is not; an affected or insincere person: a wannabe
英语里的法语词汇(二十) pain au chocolat 巧克力面包 lit. chocolate bread. Unlike what its name may suggest, it's not made of bread but puff pastry with chocolate inside. The term "chocolatine" is used in some Francophone areas, but not in English.
papier-maché 混凝纸 lit. chewed paper; a craft medium using paper and paste
par avion 坐飞机 by air mail. The meaning is broader in French, it means by plane in general.
par excellence 杰出的 "by excellence" : quintessential
parvenu 新贵 a social upstart.
pas de deux 双人舞 a close relationship between two people; a duet in ballet
pas de problème 没问题 no problem
passe-partout 万能钥匙,到处能适用的 a document or key that allows the holder to travel without hindrance from the authorities or enter any location.
pastiche 模仿作品 a derivative work; an imitation
patois 方言 a dialect; jargon
père 父亲 lit. father, used after a man's surname to distinguish a father from a son, as in "George Bush père."
英语里的法语词汇(十九) n'est-ce pas? 不是吗? "isn't it [true]?"; asked rhetorically after a statement, as in "Right?"
nom de plume 笔名,化名 author's pseudonym, literally "pen name". Originally an English phrase, now also used in France
nouveau (pl. nouveaux ; fem. nouvelle ; fem. pl. nouvelles) 新 new
nouvelle cuisine 新菜式 new cuisine
nouvelle vague 新潮流 Literally meaning "new wave". Used for stating a new way or a new trend of something. Originally marked a new style of French filmmaking in the late 1950s and early 1960s, reacting against films seen as too literary (whereas the phrase "new wave" is used in French to qualify some '80's music, such as Depeche Mode.)
objet d'art 工艺品 a work of art, commonly a painting or sculpture
œuvre 作品 "work", in the sense of an artist's work; by extension, an artist's entire body of work
omelette 西式蛋饼 omelette
oui 是的 yes
英语里的法语词汇(十八) mirepoix 米尔普瓦调味汁 a cooking mixture of two parts onions and one part each of celery and carrots
mise en scène 上映 the process of setting a stage with regard to placement of actors, scenery, properties, etc.; the stage setting or scenery of a play; surroundings, environment
moi 我 "me"; often used in English as an ironic reply to an accusation; for example, "Pretentious? Moi?"
moi aussi 我也是 "me too", used to show agreeing with someone
Mon ami 我的朋友 my friend (male) or 'mon amie': my friend (female)
Mon Dieu! 上帝啊 my God!
monsieur (pl. messieurs) 先生 a man, a gentleman. Also used as a title, equivalent to Mr. or Sir.
montage 蒙太奇 a blending of pictures, scenes, or sounds
le mot juste 准确的词 "the just word"; the right word at the right time. French uses it often in the expression chercher le mot juste (to search for the right word)
moue 撅嘴 a pursing together of the lips to indicate dissatisfaction, a pout
né, née 出生 "born" : a man/woman’s birth name (maiden name for a woman), e.g., "Martha Washington, née
英语里的法语词汇(十七) mal de mer 晕船的 motion sickness, literally "seasickness"
Mardi gras 忏悔星期二 Fat Tuesday, the last day of eating meat before Lent. Note that there isn't a capital to gras
marque 商标,记号 a model or brand
matériel 物质 supplies and equipment, particularly in a military context (French meaning is broader and corresponds more to "hardware")
"Putain", is the most commonly-used swear word among French people (and among expats who've been here longer than three years. )
It literally means something like "whore" or "hooker", although is probably most similar to "fuck" in English in the way it is used.
OK so what's the English equivalent?
It's got about the same level of offensiveness as "shit" and the literal equivalent of "whore". Chevalier-Karfis, the founder of the language site French Today, says putain is "as versatile as 'fuck' but less strong".
It's important to note that the word is far less extreme than the famous English "C-word" (that some young French anglophiles have an unfortunate love of saying among Anglo audiences).
However when used by itself as an exclamation, Chevalier-Karfis reckons putain can fairly be translated to something as innocent as "Oh my God!" in terms of meaning alone.
How to Say Bad Words in French
merde 狗屎(粗) "shit"
métier 职业 a field of work or other activity; usually one in which one has special ability or training
milieu 社会身份,中间的 social environment; setting (has also the meaning of "middle" in French.)
英语里的法语词汇(十六) layette 新生儿衣着用品 a set of clothing and accessories for a new baby
lèse majesté 谋害君主 an offense against a sovereign power; or, an attack against someone's dignity or against a custom or institution held sacred (from the Latin "crimen laesae maiestatis": the crime of injured majesty)
liaison 联系,交情 a close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning is broader; "liaison" also means bond such as in "une liaison chimique" (a chemical bond)
Liberté, égalité, Fraternité 平等,自由,博爱 "Liberty, Equality/Egality, Brotherhood" (motto of the French Republic)
lieu 地点 from Latin locus ("place"); in lieu of: "instead of", "in the place of". This is illustrated for instance in the English word "lieutenant", which literally means "place-holder"
littérateur 文人墨客 an intellectual (can be pejorative in French, meaning someone who writes a lot but does not have a particular skill)
louche 可疑的 of questionable taste;
Louis Quatorze 路易十四 "Louis XIV" (of France), the Sun King, usually a reference to décor or furniture design. Also the namesake of the winner of the 1996 Preakness.
mademoiselle 小姐 young unmarried lady, miss; literally "my noble young lady"
mais oui 当然是 "but of course!". Often used as a sarcastic reply in French, in order to close the debate by feigning to agree.
maison 住宅,家 house
malaise 不适,不舒服 a general sense of depression or unease
英语里的法语词汇(十五) je ne regrette rien 我不后悔 "I regret nothing" (from the title of a popular song sung by édith Piaf: "Non, je ne regrette rien"). Also the phrase the UK's then Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont chose to use to describe his feelings over the events of September 16, 1992 ('Black Wednesday')
je ne sais quoi 我不知道是什么 "I-don't-know-what" : an indescribable or indefinable 'something' which distinguishes the object in question from others which are superficially similar.
je t'aime 我爱你 I love you. Implies "I like you" too. The French word "aimer" implies all the different kinds of love (love = like). In order to differentiate the two, one would say simply "je t'aime" to one's love whereas one would say "je t'aime bien" (lit. I love you well) to a friend.
je suis 我是 I am
jeu d'esprit 妙语,趣味游戏 "play of spirit"; a witty, often light-hearted, comment or composition
jeunesse dorée 游手好闲的青年 "gilded youth"; name given to a body of young dandies who, after the fall of Robespierre, strove to bring about a counter-revolution. Today used for any offspring living an affluent lifestyle.
laïcité 政教分离的 separation of the State and the different Churches (at first, it concerned especially Catholicism). In France, where the concept originated, it means an absence of religious interference in government affairs and government interference in religious affairs. But the concept is often assimilated and changed by other countries. For example, in Belgium, it usually means the secular-humanist movement and school of thought.
laisser-faire 放任做某事 "let do"; often used within the context of economic policy or political philosophy, meaning leaving alone, or non-interference. The phrase is the shortcut of Laissez faire, laissez passer, a doctrine first supported by the Physiocrats in the 18th century. The motto was invented by Vincent de Gournay, and it became popular among supporters of free-trade and economic liberalism. It is also used to describe a parental style in developmental psychology, where the parent(s) does not apply rules nor guiding.
laissez-passer 通行证 a travel document, a passport
lanterne rouge 车队中的最后一辆车 the last-place finisher in a cycling stage race; most commonly used in connection with the Tour de France
英语里的法语词汇(十四) habitué 常客,熟人 one who regularly frequents a place
huis-clos 《禁止旁听》(萨特的独白剧) "closed door" : an enclosed space such as a room or cell, where action or speech can not be seen or heard from outside; title of a play by Jean-Paul Sartre
impasse 死路 a deadlock.
insouciant/e 无牵无挂的 a nonchalant man/woman
ingénu/e 天真的,坦率的 an innocent young man/woman, used particularly in reference to a theatrical stock character who is entirely virginal and wholesome. L'Ingénu is a famous play written by Voltaire.
j'adore 我喜欢 literally, I adore. I love to the full extent.
je m'appelle 我的名字叫 my name is...
je m'en fous 我不关心 "I don't give a damn "
英语里的法语词汇(十三) foie gras 鹅肝 fatty liver; usually the liver of overfed goose, hence: paté de foie gras, paté made from goose liver. However, "foie gras" generally stands for "paté de foie gras" as it is the most common way to use it.
folie à deux 二联性精神病 a simultaneous occurrence of delusions in two closely related people, often said of an unsuitable romance.
gaffe 大错,蠢事 blunder
garçon 男孩 literally "boy" or "male servant"; sometimes used by English speakers to summon the attention of a male waiter (has a playful connotation in English but is condescending and possibly offensive in French)
garde manger 食物柜 literally "keeper of the food" or pantry supervisor, refers to the task of preparing and presenting cold foods.
gauche 左边 tactless, does not mean "left-handed" (which is translated in French as "gaucher"), but does mean "left"
gaucherie 笨拙的 boorishness
gendarme 警察 member of a gendarmerie; the word is often incorrectly used in English to refer to any French policeman.
genre 类型,类别 a type or class, such as "the thriller genre"
grace à 多亏了 "thanks to", "by the grace of", naming credit or fortune
英语里的法语词汇(十二) façade 正面,表面 the front view of an edifice (from the Italian facciata, or face); a fake persona, as in "putting on a façade" (the ç is pronounced like an s)
faux 假的,错的 false, ersatz, fake.
faux amis 虚伪的朋友 "false friends" : words in two different languages that have the same or similar spelling, and often the same etymology but different meanings, such as the French verb rester which means "to stay" rather than "to rest"
faux pas 失足 "false step" : violation of accepted, although unwritten, social rules
femme fatale 无法抗拒的女人 "deadly woman" : an attractive woman who seduces and takes advantage of men in order to achieve personal goals after which she discards or abandons the victim. Used to describe an attractive woman with whom a relationship is likely to result, or has already resulted, in pain and sorrow
fiancé/e 未婚夫(妻) betrothed; lit. a man/woman engaged to be married.
film noir 黑色电影 a genre of dark-themed movies from the 1940s and 1950s that focus on stories of crime and immorality
fils 儿子 used after a man's surname to distinguish a son from a father, as George Bush fils (in French, "fils" = son)
flambé 用酒喷烧的 a cooking procedure in which alcohol (ethanol) is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames, meaning "flamed" in French. Also used colloquially in reference to something on fire or burned.
flaneur 游手好闲的人 a gentleman stroller of city streets; an aimless idler
英语里的法语词汇(十一) Embonpoint 丰满,丰腴 a plump, hourglass figure.
escargot 蜗牛 snail
escritoire 文具桌,写字台 writing desk; spelled "écritoire" in current French
esprit de corps 团队精神 "spirit of the body [group]" : a feeling of solidarity among members of a group; morale. Often used in connection with a military force.
l'état, c'est moi! 朕即国家 "I am the state!" — attributed to the archetypal absolute monarch, Louis XIV of France
étui 小盒子 small ornamental case for needles or cosmetics
excusez-moi 对不起,麻烦一下 excuse me; can be used sarcastically (depends on the tone)
extraordinaire 卓越的,出色的 extraordinary, usually as a following adjective, as "musician extraordinaire"
et toi? 你呢? and you? (Je m'appelle (your name), Et toi ?)(my name is (your name) and yours?)
英语里的法语词汇(十) en escalier 坐自动扶梯 going up like stairs; the English tends to be used of text.
en plein air 室外 literally "in the open air", and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors.
en pointe 顶端的,高峰的 (in ballet) on tiptoe. Though used in French in this same context, it is not an expression as such. A "pointe" is the ballet figure where one stands on tiptoes. The expression "en pointe", though, means "in an acute angle", and, figuratively, it qualifies the most progressive or modern things (ideas, industry...).
en principe, oui 原则上是可以的 "in principle, yes" : a diplomatic way of saying 'no'
en route 在路上 on the way
ennui 乏味,无聊 boredom.
entre nous 在我们之中 confidentially; literally "between us"
entrée 入口,前菜 literally "entrance"; the first course of a meal (UK English); used to denote the main dish or course of a meal (US English).
entremets 甜食(主菜和水果之前) desserts/sweet dishes. More literally, a side dish that can be served between the courses of a meal.
entrepreneur 企业家 a person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise or venture and assumes some accountability for the inherent risks
英语里的法语词汇(九) diablerie 魔法 witchcraft, deviltry, or, more figuratively, "wickedness"
divertissement 娱乐,休闲 an amusing diversion; entertainment
dossier 资料,材料 a file containing detailed information about a person; it has a much wider meaning in modern French, as any type of file, or even a computer directory
douceur de vivre 生活的甜蜜 "sweetness of life"
doyen 领袖,老前辈 the senior member of a group; the feminine is doyenne
droit du seigneur 初夜权 "right of the lord" : the purported right of a lord in feudal times to take the virginity of one of his vassals' brides on her wedding night (in precedence to her new husband). The actual French term for this hypothetical custom is droit de cuissage (from cuisse 'thigh'). déjà vu 似曾相识 the feeling that you have already experienced something that is actually happening for the first time. : something that has happened many times before : something that is very familiar.
eau de toilette 香水 perfume; can be shortened as eau (water); literally "grooming water." Usually refers to a product which is less expensive, because it has less aromatic compounds, and is thus used more for everyday purposes
écarté 双人纸牌游戏 a card game
échappé 一种脚尖点地的舞蹈 dance movement foot position
éclat 荣誉,光辉 Great brilliance, as of performance or achievement. Conspicuous success. Great acclamation or applause
英语里的法语词汇(八) d'accord 同意 in accord; agreed; sure; OK; of course
de nouveau 再一次,又一次 again; anew. Cf. de novo
de règle 惯常的,合乎习惯的 according to custom;
de rigueur 严格规定的 required or expected, especially in fashion or etiquette
de trop 过多的,过分的 excessive, "too much"
déclassé 地位低下的,失去地位的。 of inferior social status
décor 装饰物,布景 the layout and furnishing of a room
découpage 剪贴画,剪纸 decoration with cut paper
dénouement 结果,结局 the end result
désolé 对不起 sorry
英语里的法语词汇(七) couturier 时装设计师 a fashion designer (usually refers to high fashion, rather than everyday clothes design)
crèche 托儿所;幼儿园 a nativity display; more commonly (in UK), a place where children are left by their parents for short periods in the supervision of childminders; both meanings still exist in French
crème brûlée 法式焦糖布丁 a dessert consisting primarily of custard and toasted sugar, that is, caramel; literally "burnt cream"
crème de la crème 精华,精髓 best of the best, "cream of the cream", used to describe highly skilled people or objects. A synonymous expression in French is « fin du fin ».
crème fraîche 鲜奶油 literally "fresh cream", a heavy cream slightly soured with bacterial culture, but not as sour or as thick as sour cream
crêpe 油煎鸡蛋薄饼 a thin sweet or savoury pancake eaten as a light meal or dessert
croissant 法式羊角面包 a crescent-shaped bread made of flaky pastry
cri d'amour 爱的歇斯底里 a "cry of love"
critique 评论,批评 a critical analysis or evaluation of a work, or the art of criticizing.
cuisine minceur 瘦身食物 gourmet cooking for staying thin
cul-de-sac 死路 a dead-end (residential) street; literally "bottom (buttocks) of the bag".
commandant 司令官 a commanding officer. In France, used for an airline pilot (le commandant de bord), in the Army as appellative for a chef de bataillon or a chef d'escadron (roughly equivalent to a major) or in the Navy for any officer from capitaine de corvette to capitaine de vaisseau (equivalent to the Army's majors, lieutenant-colonels and colonels) or for any officer heading a ship.
comme ci, comme ça 马马虎虎,不好不坏 "like this, like that"; so-so, neither good nor bad. In French, usu. couci-couça.
comme il faut 这是必须的;适当的,妥当的 "as it must be" : in accord with conventions or accepted standards; proper.
communiqué 公报 lit. communicated; an official communication.
concierge 看门人,守门,管理人 a receptionist at a hotel or residence. As they have a reputation for gossiping, concierge is also a mild insult if you call anyone who isn't a receptionist that (meaning you're a shameless gossiper).
concordat 契约 an agreement; a treaty; when used with a capital C in French, it refers to the treaty between the French State and Judaeo-Christian religions during the French Empire (Napoleon) : priests, ministers and rabbis became civil servants. This treaty was abolished in 1905 (law Church-State separation) but is still in use in Alsace-Lorraine (those territories were under German administration during 1871–1918)
confrère 合伙人 a colleague, esp. in the medical and law professions.
congé 离开,离去 a departure; in French refers to time off work
conte 短篇小说,故事 a short story, a tale; in French a conte has usually a fantasy context (such as in fairytales) and always begins with the words "Il était une fois" ("Once upon a time").
contre-coup 反击 against the blow
contre-jour 逆光 against daylight
contretemps 不测之灾祸;意外事故;延误 an awkward clash; a delay
coquette 卖弄风骚的女人;狐狸精 a flirtatious girl; a tease
cordon sanitaire 防疫封锁线 a policy of containment directed against a hostile entity or ideology; a chain of buffer states; lit. "quarantine line"
cortège 送葬队伍 a funeral procession; in French has a broader meaning and refers to all kinds of processions. 在法语中这个词可以用来表示各种游行、行进、队列等。
corvée 徭役,酬劳极少甚至无偿的被迫劳作 forced labor for minimal or no pay. In French, overall an unpleasant/tedious task.
cotte d'armes 盾形纹章,盾徽 coat of arms.
coup de foudre 霹雳,雷电,意外 lit. thunderbolt ("strike of thunder"); a sudden unforeseen event, usually used to describe love at first sight. 这个词常用于形容一见钟情
chanteuse 女歌手 a female singer
chapeau 帽子 a hat. In French, chapeau is also an expression of congratulations similar to the English "hats off to...."
chargé d'affaires 代办,临时代办 a diplomat left in charge of day to day business at a diplomatic mission. Within the United States Department of State a chargé is any officer left in charge of the mission in the absence of the titular chief of mission.
charlatan 吹牛的人,江湖骗子,招摇撞骗者 a person who is a fraud, a fake, a hoaxer, a deceiver, a con artist.
chateaux en Espagne 空中楼阁 literally "castles in Spain"; imaginary projects, with little hope of realisation (means the same as "castles in the air" or "pie in the sky"). No known etymology, though it was already used in the 13th century in the Roman de la rose. 直译为“西班牙的城堡”,形容臆想出来的不可实现的计划或想法。
chauffeur 司机 driver
chef d'œuvre 杰作 a masterpiece
cherchez la femme 对于一个男子举止异常又难于解释原因,就用这个表达来形容。 "look for the woman", in the sense that, when a man behaves out of character or in an otherwise apparently inexplicable manner, the reason may be found in his trying to cover up an illicit affair with a woman, or to impress or gain favour with a woman. First used by Alexandre Dumas (père) in the third chapter of his novel Les Mohicans de Paris (1854).
chevalier d'industrie 商业骗子 "knight of industry" : one who lives by his wits, specially by swindling.
chez 在……家里 at the house of : often used in the names of restaurants and the like; Chez Marie = "Marie's"
chic 现代风格的,流行的,有个性的 stylish
chignon 发髻 a hairstyle worn in a roll at the nape of the neck
cinéma vérité 纪实电影 realism in documentary filmmaking
cinq, cinque 五 five; normally referring to the 5 on dice or cards. In French, always spelt cinq. 一般是指骰子上或纸牌上的5。
cliché 老一套,陈腐的 lit. negative; trite through overuse; a stereotype
clique 私党,派系,阀 a small exclusive group of friends without morale; always used in a pejorative way in French.
ça ne fait rien 不要紧,没关系 "that doesn't matter"; rendered as san fairy Ann in British WWI slang.
cachet 封印;特征;标语;药包 lit. "stamp"; a distinctive quality ; quality, prestige.
café 咖啡馆 a coffee shop (also used in French for "coffee"). 法语中还有咖啡的意思。
café au lait 加奶咖啡 coffee with milk; or a light-brown color. In medicine, it is also used to describe a birthmark that is of a light-brown color (café au lait spot). 医学上也用来形容浅棕色的胎记。
carte de visite 名片 a calling card, literally "visiting card".
carte d'identité 身份证 identity card. Its proper, but less commonly used administrative appellation, is "carte nationale d'identité" (national identity card), abbreviated as CNI.
c'est bon 很好,很棒 "that's good".
c'est la guerre! 这就是战争! "That's War!"; or "Such is war!" Often used with the meaning that "this means war", but it can be sometimes used as an expression to say that war (or life in general) is harsh but that one must accept it. 可用来形容战争(或生活)很严酷但我们不得不接受。
c'est la mode. 这就是时尚。 "That's the fashion."
c'est la vie! 这就是生活! "That's life!"; or "Such is life!" It is sometimes used as an expression to say that life is harsh but that one must accept it. 可用来表达生活是严酷的但我们不得不接受。
c'est magnifique! 非常棒! "That's great!"; literally it's magnificent.
c’est tout 就这么多,全部就是这些 that is everything, "That's all." See also un point c’est tout. chacun ses goûts / à chacun ses goûts / à chacun son goût / chacun à son goût [all are used] "to each his (their) own taste(s)" or "each to his own taste".
chaise longue 躺椅 a long chair for reclining; (also rendered chaise lounge or chase lounge via folk etymology).
Champs-élysées 香榭丽舍大道 literally "Elysian Fields"; Avenue des Champs-élysées, one of the largest boulevards in Paris. Often referred as simply "les Champs". Pronounced chanz-ay-lee-zay 字面意思是“乐土”的意思,是巴黎最大的街道之一。
ballet 芭蕾 a classical type of dance
beau geste 优雅的姿态;故作大方 literally "beautiful gesture"; gracious gesture; also, a gesture noble in form but meaningless in substance. in French : a selfless/generous/fair-play act.
Beaux-Arts 美术,艺术(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、木刻等) monumental architectural style of the early 20th century made famous by the Académie des Beaux-Arts
beaucoup 很多,许多 plenty, lots of, much; merci beaucoup: thanks a lot; misused in slang, for example "beaucoup money" (French would add the preposition de : "beaucoup d'argent"), especially in New Orleans, LA. Occasionally corrupted to Bookoo, typically in the context of French influenced by Vietnamese culture.
bel esprit (pl. beaux esprits) 才子, 才华出众的人 literally "fine mind"; a cultivated, highly intelligent person
belle 美女,美人 a beautiful woman or girl. Common uses of this word are in the phrases the belle of the ball (the most beautiful woman or girl present at a function) and southern belle (a beautiful woman from the southern states of the US)
Belle époque 美丽时代 a period in European social history that began during the late 19th century and lasted until World War I.
belles-lettres 纯文学 literally "fine letters"; literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content; also, light, stylish writings, usually on literary or intellectual subjects
bien fait ! 干得好!做得很棒! literally "well done"; used to express schadenfreude when someone is well-deservedly punished
bien entendu 当然 Of course.
bien pensant 善于思考 literally "well thinking"; right thinking, orthodox. Commonly implies willful blindness to dangers or suffering faced by others. The noun form bien-pensance is rarely seen in English.
blasé 疲倦不堪的,厌倦的 unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity, jaded.
Bleu celeste 天蓝色 literally "sky blue", is a rarely-occurring tincture in heraldry (not being one of the seven main colours or metals or the three "staynard colours").
bon appétit 祝你胃口好,祝你用餐愉快 literally "good appetite"; enjoy your meal
bon mot 警语,妙语 well-chosen word(s), particularly a witty remark
bon vivant 享乐主义者,享受舒适生活的人 one who enjoys the good life, an epicurean
bon voyage 祝你旅途愉快 literally "good journey"; have a good trip!
bonjour 你好(早上或下午使用的问候语) "good day", a standard greeting in the morning or afternoon
bonne chance 祝你好运 "good luck" (as in, 'I wish you good luck')
les boules 厌烦 (vulgar) literally "the balls"; meaning that whatever you are talking about is dreadful
bourgeois 中产阶级分子, 商人,资产阶级 member of the bourgeoisie. The word used to refer to shopkeepers living in towns in the Middle Ages. Now the term is derogatory, and it applies to a person whose beliefs, attitudes, and practices are conventionally middle-class.
bric-à-brac ( 乱堆的 ) 旧货,破烂货,乱七八糟的一堆破烂 small ornamental objects, less valuable than antiques; a collection of old furniture, china, plate and curiosities. Cf. de bric et de broc, corresponding to our "by hook or by crook", and brack, refuse.
brioche 奶油蛋卷 a sweet yeast bun, kind of a crossover between a popover and a light muffin; French also use the term as slang for 'potbelly', because of the overhang effect. 法语俚语中也用这个词语形容大肚子或大腹便便的人。
brunette 棕色头发的女子 a brown-haired girl. For brown-haired man, French uses brun and for a woman brune. "Brunette" is rarely used in French, unless in old literature, and its masculine form, "brunet" (for a boy), is almost unheard of. 法语中现在已经很少使用这个词。
bureau (pl. bureaux) 办公室 office. Also means "desk" in French. 这个词在法语中既有办公室也有办公桌的意思。
arête 脊,边缘 a narrow ridge. In French, also fishbone; edge of a polyhedron or graph; bridge of the nose.
armoire 衣橱 a type of cabinet; wardrobe.
art nouveau 新艺术 a style of decoration and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It bears a capital in French (Art nouveau). 一种19世纪末到20世纪初的装饰、建筑风格。
attaché 专员/随员 a person attached to an embassy; in French is also the past participle of the verb attacher (= to fasten, to tight, to be linked...) 大使馆的工作人员,在法语中也是动词 attacher 的过去式。
Attaque au Fer 击剑 An attack on the opponent's blade in fencing, e.g. beat, expulsion, pressure.
au contraire 相反地 on the contrary.
au courant 与时俱进,跟进最新的消息 up-to-date; abreast of current affairs.
au fait 熟悉的,精通的,能上任的 being conversant in or with, or instructed in or with.
au jus 原汁的,原汤的 literally, with juice, referring to a food course served with sauce. Often redundantly formulated, as in 'Open-faced steak sandwich, served with au jus.'. No longer used in French, except for the slang "être au jus" (to be informed)
au pair 互惠生 a young foreigner who does domestic chores in exchange for room and board. In France, those chores are mainly child care/education. 年轻的外国人通过提供家务零工服务换取食宿,在法国这些零工一般都是照顾小孩或者做家教。
au revoir! 再见,一会儿见 "See you later!" In French a contraction of Au plaisir de vous revoir (to the pleasure of seeing you again).
avant-garde (pl. avant-gardes) 先锋派[艺术流派之一] applied to cutting-edge or radically innovative movements in art, music and literature; figuratively "on the edge", literally, a military term, meaning "vanguard" (which is the deformation of avant-garde) or "advance guard", in other words, "first to attack" (antonym of arrière-garde).
avant la lettre 前卫的 used to describe something or someone seen as a precursor or forerunner of something (such as an artistic or political movement) before that something was recognized and named, e.g. "a post-modernist avant la lettre", "a feminist avant la lettre"; the expression literally means before the letter, i.e. "before it had a name".
avec plaisir 很荣幸地,愉快地 my pleasure (lit. "with pleasure")
à gogo 丰富地 in abundance. It pertains to the familiar language in French.
à la [...] 以某种方式,举止,行为…… in the manner of/in the style of [...]
à la carte 点菜 literally: on the menu; according to the menu. In restaurants it refers to ordering individual dishes rather than a fixed-price meal. 字面理解为:根据菜单点菜。在餐厅里指的是个人自行点餐,而不是选择价格固定的餐点。
à propos 关于,对于 regarding/concerning (note that the correct French syntax is à propos de)
abattoir 屠宰场 slaughterhouse
accouchement 坐月子;分娩 confinement during childbirth; the process of having a baby; only this last meaning remains in French 在法语中只有分娩的意思保留了下来
acquis communautaire 共同体 used in European Union law to refer to the total body of EU law accumulated thus far. 用于欧盟律法中形容整个欧盟机构组成部分
adieu 告别,再会 farewell; literally means "to God," it carries more weight than "au revoir" ("goodbye", literally "Until next time"): it is definitive, implying you will never see the other person again. Depending on the context, misuse of this term can be considered as an insult, as you'll wish for the other person's death or will say that you don't wish to see the other person ever again while alive. It is used for "au revoir" in south of France[1] and to point a deprivation from someone or something.
adroit 灵活的,机敏的,熟练的 skillful, clever, in French: habile, as a "right-handed" person would be using his "right" hand, as opposed to his left one with which he would be "gauche" meaning "left".
aide-mémoire 备忘录 "memory aid"; an object or memorandum to assist in remembrance, or a diplomatic paper proposing the major points of discussion
allez! 上!加油!表示命令或鼓励 "go!" or "come on!", as a command or as encouragement
amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule 餐前小点心 a single, bite-sized hors d'œuvre.
ancien régime 旧体制 a sociopolitical or other system that no longer exists, an allusion to pre-revolutionary France (used with capital letter in French with this meaning : Ancien Régime)
aperçu 预测,第一印象,最初判断 preview; a first impression; initial insight.
apéritif 开胃酒 a before-meal drink (in familiar French, it is shortened as "apéro"). In French, it means either the drink or food (amuse-gueules....) you take before a meal. Also, in France, even if you're supposed to eat after an apéritif, it is socially accepted to take your meal at home, therefore you can have an apéritif at a bar (with or without friends), or at a friend's before going back home.
appellation contrôlée 原产地命名葡萄酒,即AOC supervised use of a name. For the conventional use of the term, see Appellation d'origine contrôlée
Après moi, le déluge 直译:“洪水在我身后”,意译:“身后之事与我何干” literally: After me, the deluge; remark attributed to Louis XV of France; used to denigrate the attitude of someone who acts irresponsibly, without worrying on the consequences that his/her acts could have; used in reference to the impending end of a functioning French monarchy and predicting the French Revolution. No. 617 Squadron Royal Air Force, famously known as the "Dambusters", uses this as its motto. Also a verse in the song Après Moi by Regina Spektor. 出自路易十五的名句,用于形容一个人不负责任的态度,不在乎他/她的行为所带来的后果。
Love theme from "Les parapluies de Cherbourg" 1964
I Will Wait For You ( Theme from "The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg" )
Dessay - Legrand - Les Parapluies de Cherbourg - Paris - 2009