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那个傻逼不说嘲笑我,嘲笑Dr Pauling吗?
送交者: 绿野仙人 2020年03月13日20:28:19 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Chinese Medical Team Report Successful Treatment Of Coronavirus Patients With High-Dose Vitamin C

A medical team from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University in China has reported the successful treatment of coronavirus patients with vitamin C. In a press release posted on the hospital website, the team describes how patients suffering from severe coronary pneumonia, a potentially fatal complication of the new coronavirus COVID-19, have recovered after being treated with high doses of the vitamin. The medical team recommend that for critically ill patients and those with severe neonatal pneumonia, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission to hospital.

Significantly, the press release acknowledges that early application of vitamin C can have a strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory responses, and improve endothelial function. It also describes how numerous studies have shown the dose of vitamin C used has a lot to do with the treatment’s effect. The medical team say their past experience shows that high-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly can prevent and treat acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress.

Shanghai Medical Association recommends high-dose vitamin C for treatment of coronavirus

In a further development, the Shanghai Medical Association (SMA) in China has published a consensus on the comprehensive treatment of coronavirus disease. Based on the study of more than 300 clinical patients and developed by 30 experts in the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia, it recommends high-dose vitamin C for even light infection with the virus.

The dose recommended in the consensus is 50 to 100 mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day. For severe and critically ill patients, up to 200 mg per kilogram of bodyweight per day is advised, injected intravenously. Described as the ‘Shanghai Plan’, the SMA says its consensus has attracted widespread attention, including on Shanghai TV.

High-dose vitamin C therapies on verge of becoming mainstream

Reporting on these developments, some natural health websites have chosen to ignore the fact that the Xi’an Jiaotong University Hospital press release discusses claimed side effects of vitamin C treatment, such as the discredited suggestion that it can supposedly cause kidney stones. These websites similarly fail to mention that the SMA’s expert consensus also recommends drugs for the treatment of the new coronavirus. While one can perhaps understand their reasoning, in that they may feel these aspects detract from the positive natural health theme of the story, they have failed to appreciate that high-dose vitamin C therapies are on the verge of becoming mainstream. Orthodox medicine will continue using drugs for some time yet, in other words, but its invasion by vitamins is now well underway.

In a further illustration of this, the U.S. government’s National Cancer Institute recently published a long article on intravenous high-dose vitamin C in cancer therapy. Examining the history and use of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer, the writers concluded that “given the current high financial cost of new cancer drugs, it seems rational to improve the effectiveness of current therapies by studying their clinical interactions with vitamin C.” They added that in their view, “the implementation of this treatment paradigm could provide benefit to many cancer patients.”

Not so many years ago it would have been unthinkable for the U.S. National Cancer Institute to have written about vitamin C in this way. Clearly, therefore, as described in the groundbreaking book ‘Victory Over Cancer’, published by Dr. Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki in 2011, the ‘Age of Intoxication’ in the treatment of cancer is on the way to being replaced by the ‘Age of Cellular Regulation’.

A similar medical revolution is underway in the treatment of sepsis, a life-threatening condition resulting from the body’s response to an infection. The leading cause of death among hospitalized patients, during the last 3 decades over 100 drug trials have failed to improve clinical outcomes for sepsis patients. Today, however, a treatment based on the use of vitamin C is showing remarkable results. Led by Dr. Paul E. Marik, an intensive-care unit physician at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in the United States, a study published in the journal Chest in 2017 describes how an intravenous combination of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and the hormone hydrocortisone saw just 4 deaths among 47 sepsis patients who received it.

As these developments demonstrate, the ‘vitamin genie’ is now out of the bottle. And with worldwide awareness of the power of vitamins growing rapidly, there is no way of holding it back. In the years ahead, the use of vitamin C and other micronutrients is set to become increasingly common in orthodox medicine. While we have not yet reached the point where heart disease is widely accepted by doctors as an early form of the vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy, as Dr. Rath’s research has decisively proven, this too will eventually follow. Meantime, we send our congratulations to the medical team from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. Where they have led, other medical teams will surely follow.

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