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Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi(阿布扎比大清真寺)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月16日09:17:01 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Abu Dhabi0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

       When Mom and I got back from Dubai International Airport and checked in Raffles Hotel, the first thing I did was to go to bed. Just as my head hit the pillow, I fell asleep like a log.

       As Mom woke me up at the crack of dawn for the tour, I tumbled around for awhile and still half asleep. After a brief breakfast, we hopped onto a city tour bus to Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE where we would be seeing Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque or the Grand Mosque, which was the largest in the nation where Muslims prayed at least 5 times a day.

      When we arrived, my mouth draped open like a stone. The Grand Mosque was literally a giant palace in Arab, Persian, Mughai and Moorish style plus some modern decoration like Greek marbles, German lights, Turkish ceramics, Iranian hand knotted woven carpet, etc. The entrance was a huge overhead door that was decorated with pictures of flowers derived from the country. But that wasn't all. The doorway led to a vast courtyard that had a marble floor and huge pillars with engraved flowers. I thought that looked as cool as it could get, but the courtyard couldn't even be compared to the hall inside. Three tremendous crystal chandeliers were hanging from the domed ceiling from above. It was a mix of colors that seemed to make each other blend. If you stood under it, the crystal chandelier looked like a flower in full bloom with red petals and green outline. On the walls, there were pictures of flowers and columns covered in gold. Every time when I looked at them, the gold appeared so bright that it stood out like a hungry wolf in a herd of sheep. Now I understood why it took 545 million dollars to build this spectacular architecture in 11 years.

      As I walked on my way out, I noticed a clock on the wall that showed six different times when Muslims would pray during a day. They must be extremely dedicated about their religion because the first time Muslims had to pray was sometime around 5 O'clock in the morning. Afterwards, every 2 or 3 hours later, they had to pray again.

      Right there, I learned about the Prophets which sounded like the messenger of "Allah" because the Muslims believed that Allah gave those signs which only the Prophet could read. In addition, all Muslims were read a collection of books called the "Quran". The Quran is to the Muslims as the bible to the Christians.

      As I left the Grand Mosque, I reviewed all things I saw today. The one that intrigued me most was how similar that being a Muslim was to being a staff in a government with different levels. Some were more respected than the other and each person had to be promoted by someone else. When I thought of it this way, the Muslim was combining traditional religion and modern life as a whole.








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