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76ers vs. Pacers(七六人隊迎戰步行者隊)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月23日13:39:58 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        My first time watching a professional basketball game wasn't the best at the Wells Fargo Center in the South Philadelphia Sports Complex. Even though we had the club seats, the Philly 76ers got crushed by the Indiana Pacers, which I wasn't too thrilled about as a home team fan.

        Getting to the game was a huge challenge. Dad drove past the exit on the highway and across the Delaware by accident. Plus, when we came back, the entrance already closed! We ended up parking at the Citizens Bank Park and didn't even notice the main entrance!

        The game was already decided by the first 5 minutes. Pacers: 9 and 76ers: 0. Not only the silly score, but the Pacers didn't even seem to be trying too hard! I was giving up already.

        All keen part of the game was the half court magic show. I personally always loved magic's misleading and trickery, and the magician certainly put on a great show. The first few tricks were the traditional ones, like making a bunny named Fluffy disappear. But the tricks got more and more interesting. My favorite was when he put a person in a large box. The magician stuck 9 swords through the box and the person survived. Everyone went crazy!

        The best part of the game is always the end, unlike many other fun things. The 76ers were down by 3 and those were crucial. But as expected for an 18-lose-in-a-row team, they missed 2 lay ups and nearly air-balled a 3. I guess this year isn't a good 76ers' year! Even if they won, they couldn't make it to the play-offs since they didn't have a lot of wins. The best might be to break the losing record of 20 and get the first draft in NBA. They're already really close, so aim to be the worst.

        The final score: Pacers 101 vs. 76ers 92.






        與其它許多好玩的趣事不同,球賽結束前往往高潮迭起扣人心弦,但對於連輸18場比賽的七六人隊卻並非如此,他們再度失去三次關鍵機會﹕兩次上籃得分和一次遠投3分球,我覺得今年七六人隊命運多舛,人倒霉的時候就是這樣,連喝口水都塞牙縫﹗話說回來,即使他們贏了本場比賽,仍然無法扭轉被淘汰的局面 ,之前他們輸得實在慘不忍睹。眼下他們只有設法擺脫屢戰屢敗的困境,才不至於打破全美職業籃球史上連輸20場的最高記錄,同時又以倒數第一的特殊資格獲得首選新秀或任意交換球星的權力。照目前形勢發展下去,七六人隊正無可奈何地朝破記錄的目標努力,並且“勝利”在望。


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