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PSSA 5th Grade Math(賓州小學五年級數學統考)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月24日12:53:44 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

        Math, I think, is my best subject. I'm not saying that I'm not good at reading or writing, but math was just my thing. Now I like math. However, when it comes to the PSSA Math, no matter how much you like a subject, it isn't rescuing you from the terror, boringness, stress.

        In math, I'm a year ahead of my 5th grade at school. So the boringness doubled in the test. The questions were like "Larry had 2 packs of soda, and he needed 36. If each pack had 9 cans, then how many more packs did Larry need?" and I'm like " Uhhhhh... (until I die)..." Nevertheless, I had to do my best or else I'll be seeing my grave with the words "RIP. Here lies Aiden F. G. who didn't try on PSSA!" And Mom would be one of the murders, due to a temper tantrum on my bad grade.

        I guess I had to respect the PSSA Math a little. Why a little? It was because it threw in a loop-de-loop in mainly all the multiple choices. Most were disregarded immediately. But once in a while, I'd take a minute to laugh my head off at a weird mistake, such as an extra word (OK, I didn't laugh out loud, but my insides were in hysterically laughing).






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