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Field Trip to Valley Forge(福吉谷實地見習)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月26日15:20:18 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Valley Forget0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        The American Revolution turned into a huge event on the historical timeline of the US in the 18th century. Valley Forge in PA became famous for that very reason because the first President, General of the Continental Army, the founder of the USA, etc... George Washington encamped here in a bitter, unrelenting winter of 1777.

        Wow, most people think that those men were freezing to death in their huts. No, it wasn't actually true. Some of us also felt as if they lacked food supplies. No, although there was a shortage of meat, peas, and veggies, yet the soldiers were stuffed with bread. We learned all facts on our 5th grade field trip to Valley Forge National Historical Park this morning. Unfortunately, many infectious diseases had been spread and were killing the soldiers.

        The valley used to have hundreds of log cabins for the army and in each one, there was enough room for a squad of 12 soldiers. Every corner, there lay three bunk beds and each about a foot on top of another. I wouldn't survive a night like that because I tend to move a lot in my sleep.

        Immediately after we started to tour the site, the guide showed us how to load a musket. First, he poured a little gun powder in the can on the side and then dumped the rest down the barrel with the musket ball. He pulled the trigger and his target was dead. Pretty cool, huh? In addition to the lethal musket, the soldiers were able to equip it with a pointy bayonet or a sharp dagger that could be attached to the front of a musket. And let's put it this way. You do not want to be in stabbing range of the bayonet.

        As a colonial army marched to war, it needed a formation. Single file was one of the worst formations. While the army was taking fire from the front, only one person could shot back. Ouch! So we lined up in four columns and I, Sir Guo, was promoted to a sergeant and I, Sergeant Guo was given an order from the General to make sure the columns stayed straight. And when everyone was good to go, we marched, and marched, and marched, and marched...... and after what seemed like a year of marching, we finally reached the top and saw piles of dirt. As the guide said there was a fort at the place where we were standing. I was like no, that's a mound of dirt. Why would soldiers hide behind a mound of dirt? Closer examination proved me wrong, since cannons were stationed around it, large ditches were dug along the perimeter and openings so that the soldiers could fire and provided plenty of cover. Now I get why the British were scared to attack Valley Forge.

        After a fun picnic, we explored Washington's headquarter. The so called "master bedroom" looked like the size of my study room for homework. Except for the cramped conditions, the place appeared to be lavished with fancy decorations and made for comfort. To my great surprise, however, Washington rented the house from the local civilians. I finally knew what our four years of social studies were about. It showed us how difficult life was in Valley Forge back to 236 years ago.








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