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YMCA Camp—USA vs. Belgium(基督教青年会营美国对比利时世界杯足球赛)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月31日13:38:18 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        The USA soccer team has never made it to the World Cup in its history. And this year, a miracle happened in Brazil. The USA passed the qualification rounds and entered the Round of 16 unexpectedly.

        As lucky as the USA gets, their fortune couldn't last forever. This knockout game against Belgium proved that the USA wasn't able to compete at this level.

        The game started off fine. In fact, at one point, the USA was shooting by the minute. It was the ending that brought downfall. The first goal was scored at the 91 minutes when the Belgian player on the right intended to pass to a player in the center. However, it seemed too far ahead, and entered the goal with no anticipation. The second goal on Belgians' behalf was abruptly. A nice pass to the center again, immediately followed by a shot to the upper right corner of the goal. The kick was smooth and flawless.

        When a game of importance begins, it's crucial to start strong, but just as critical to finish stably.







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