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GHCS Camp─Last Day(光華夏令營最後一天)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月08日10:57:03 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        At last the tragic day arrives! Just as I began to get used the vacation and no responsibility whatsoever, it winds down from my 9-week long summer camps. Now, the school awaits in four short days. So at the very moment, the GHCS Summer Camp went out with a bang. Since today is Friday (Woohoo!) before Labor Day weekend, there would be a tournament a whole day long.

        The tournament was basically two teams competing for points by answering questions about Chinese history and cultures or participating in events. Personally, I liked Chinese Yo-Yo. However, everyone preferred the Chinese chess to anything else simply because they could actually play, unlike when they did the Yo-Yo, where you had it flying around the room. I came out as the winner, particularly because I was lucky enough not to get hit by flying Yo-Yo.

        Today was awesome with fun after fun. Surprisingly, for such a tragic day, today was AMAZING!





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