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Philly Union vs. Columbus Crew-1(费城工会队—哥伦布机员队之一)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月10日12:27:49 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        There was so much tension prior to the game. It was as if there actually was a prize. But I think everyone just wanted to start the season off with a bang.

        With that said, the first fall soccer game began: the Philadelphia Union vs. The Columbus Crew. In just three short minutes, the Union (WE) were up by two. I didn't know what happened out there, but we were faster and stronger. Or maybe it's the other way around. The first half ended with a score of 3-1 Union. A great start, but it was all about the change.

        The third quarter was disastrous. The Crew scored four points in a matter of mere minutes. Whatever pep talk the coach gave them, it must have worked. So, just as we entered the final two minutes of the game, Jayden, one of my teammates, went on a rampage. One gentleman charged five people and beat them up (and broke their ankles), scoring us a goal.

        However, if you can count, we were still down by one. After another minute, a jump ball occurred when there was an injured kid. So out of sheer luck, a teammate named Brendan made an 18-yard or 16.5-meter kick from the jump ball, tying the game at five, with only six seconds to go.

        Today wasn't the best start to the season, but it was the craziest start ever.







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