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Fifth Grade & Sixth Grade(回憶過去展望未來)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月10日12:34:34 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        The 5th grade was a spectacular and unforgettable year. As the 6th grade has begun, I will surely miss the 5th grade. What I have missed most would probably be Mr. Holloran. He acted very nice to me. I loved the way he taught the classes, the way he could deliver jokes, and the way he expressed his passion for stoical studies (YEAH!!!)

        On the flip side, the 6th grade is going to be probably a better year. The activities sound so cool. Best of all, we have the best teacher in history! Mr. Richharts's got all the aspects of an amazing mentor. He is hilarious humor, and not the one that gives a lot of homework as I hope perfectly what I wanted and just know it. This is gonna the best, greatest, coolest year ever.




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