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Descriptive─The Renaissance Faire Trip(記事─親臨文藝復興節)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月13日15:36:55 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        My Chinese history teacher has literally driven this one phrase into my brain. She would always say that the future comes from the past, and that the past determines the future. Today, the entire sixth grade would be going to our past and to see the long journey we humans have made. So, we went to the one place where the past lived on. Here came the Renaissance Faire.

        The day prior to the trip, my anxiety was already out of control. The night before, I was about to explode because tomorrow wouldn’t come any faster. It seemed like eternity, but finally, my brain shut down and allowed me to sleep. The next day, I woke up with a jolt in the morning, knowing that today was the big day. I was so excited that I bounded down the stairs like a rabbit with coffee, and wolfed down my breakfast as fast as my mouth could chew. Then I took my bags, yelled at mom for being too slow, and bolted out the door, not wanting to be a second late. I arrived just in time before everything left without me. I barely gave my friends a greeting before the classes left. As we exited the building, I took a real good look at our buses. They weren’t the plain, horrible, dull yellow school buses we took in the mornings. No, these were the legendary Hagey Coaches, the ones all sixth graders get to ride and the ones that we were all told about from other sixth graders since first grade, and finally seeing it in first person confirmed that every single sixth grader were telling the truth. The Hagey Coaches were enormous compared to the regular school buses. They seemed like the double decker buses that tourists rode on. Inside, the coach was even more spectacular. Rows upon rows of seats filled the coach, and each was as soft as a pillow stuffed with feathers. They were so soft that I almost thought that I was still in bed at home. As I sat down, all I wanted to do was to close my eyes and relax. But then, the TV screens turned on, and the movie Shrek played. This was going to be a long ride, so I might as well enjoy the movie.

        When you watch a movie, the climax is obviously your favorite part. The climax is also when we decided to stop the movie because we had reached our destination. The Renaissance Faire was huge, even on the outside. It looked like a huge town in the colonial times, with large sounds emanating from inside. The class proceeded off the heavenly coaches, stretched our cramped muscles, got with our groups, and went with the giant crowd. We continued to go in the direction of the crowd, which led to the main entrance. When I took my first step onto Renaissance Faire property, I was absolutely blown away. There was a maze of streets heading in all directions, each with shops selling all sorts of things. Some sold food, others sold souvenirs. I even saw a store selling costumes and hats, and a stand selling… …sticks? Even cooler was that everyone that worked at the faire was in costume and character. They treated us like royalty, which I thought it was pretty amazing. There were even famous places and stages like the Globe. The Renaissance Faire really gave me the feeling that I was no longer a student at Montgomery Elementary on a field trip in the 21st century, I was a person in the 1500’s doing my daily business, roaming the streets and looking at what people had to offer in their stores. I went straight to asking our group’s chaperone what time the first show was at. It turned out it was in 20 minutes, so we slowly took our time to get to the stage. The show’s title was the Mud Show, so I made a prediction, just like the school taught us. If the name was the Mud Show, the show would probably be about mud. As a result, I was correct, just that I didn’t expect to have people jumping in mud, splashing the substance all over my favorite shirt. Other than that downside, the show was pretty spectacular. There were three people that did all kinds of crazy stuff in a giant pit of mud. Yes, it was real mud, because the three people on stage even chose a volunteer to take the mud test. I felt sorry for the victim, because she had to touch some mud, smell the mud, and taste the mud. To me, looking at the mud was already enough to throw up, but tasting the mud would be like eating cabbage stew. Luckily for the volunteer, one of the three performers shoved the mud into his mouth instead. In the end, everyone knew that the mud was real. Then came the part where mud started to rain down on us. The three performers did belly-flops and splashed mud, splattering the audience with the disgusting brown substance. Unfortunately for my clothing, there was just mud all over my pants and shirt. I thought it was a great show, seeing people getting themselves dirty. But when it finally came to an end, I felt slightly grateful that the show was over.

        My group and I then roamed the huge streets of the Renaissance Faire, searching for entertainment. After going in circles for so long, we managed to find a few games that interested us. Now, what in the world would influence a bunch of boys’ attention to spend a dollar bill on? It was probably violence and weapons, and that’s exactly what we found. There were four tents, each with a different game. One was knife-throwing, another was ax-throwing, and archery. But the one that separated itself from the others was the Ninja star tent. When I was a small, immature little boy, I dreamed of myself one day becoming a Ninja. Now that I experienced the real world, my dreams were crushed. In fact, I had never seen a real Ninja star in my entire life. At that moment, I looked at the shiny, sharp lethal weapon that I was holding in my hands. I wondered if it wasn’t too late of becoming the Ninja I’d always wished to be. There was only one way to find out. I paid a dollar for three tries. I handled the weapons with precious care, then drew my arm back, and threw the Ninja star. It went way high of the target. So did the other two. It looked as if I knew what I was not going to be when I grew up.

        Soon came what everyone was waiting for, the Joust. Out of all the friends that went to the Renaissance Faire, all of us had said something about a joust and awesomeness and things exploding. Hearing this, I was excited to see what made everyone so amazed. It turned out they were right to be amazed, because the Joust was just absolutely stunning! It was about an evil knight, Sir Corway, hoping to conquer England by killing the King. He challenged England’s finest knight, Sir William to a joust to the death, knowing that the king will spectate. A joust was where two knights would charge at one another on their horses, holding a shield and a long pole. They fought hard, but in the end, Sir William disarmed Sir Corway, but gave mercy to him. In a blink of an eye, Sir Corway ordered cannons to fire, and explosions blasted the field. Suddenly, all the normal people on the stage drew swords and knives concealed in their clothing, and attacked the throne. The knights that protected the King drew their mighty broad swords and engaged the enemy. A battle began, and Sir Corway stood up and dueled with more skill than he had used in the match. The cannons continued to blast away, blowing up barrels and even sent a person flying off the roof of the palace were the King hid. Swords clashed, shouts rang across the battlefield which was chaos. Then, as quickly as it started, a cannon blasted the center of fighting, ending the battle. The King and most of the knights were safe, and surprisingly, so was Sir William. That was probably the best way a field trip could have ended.

        The past we come from seems like another world to ours. It’s hard to imagine we humans once used to be so different than us now. The knights and kings, merchants and nobles, the past feels so fanciful. Here I am now, in the 21st century, on the Hagey Coach, returning to Montgomery Elementary, hoping to come back again one day. As I really think about it, we will one day become a part of the past too, just like the Renaissance Faire.





        打那以後,我和同組其他哥們一道滿世界尋找娛樂項目,大家兜了一圈又一圈,消磨掉很長時間,最後好歹發現幾個好玩的遊戲,試問當今天底下究竟有沒有僅靠幾塊錢就能讓咱這幫男生上杆子的東西?要麼暴力要麼兇器,但這些玩藝都不能打動我們。整個文藝復興節總共設有四個娛樂帳篷,每一個帳篷提供不盡相同的遊藝項目,扔刀、擲斧、射箭挨在一起,而“忍者飛星”則孤處一方。記得年幼無知的時候,我恨不能要當“忍者”鬥士,隨着閱歷漸長,兒時的夢想早已煙消雲散,實際上,迄今為止我從未親眼見過真正的“忍者飛星”,然而當我手握鋥明瓦亮鋒利無比足以致人於死地的神器時,忍不住幻想是否來得及實現往日抱負,現在擺在面前的唯一機會就是上繳一塊大洋試身三回。我小心翼翼地拿起利械,胳膊向後移動,奮力投出“忍者”飛星,第一次因扔得太高而偏離目標,後面兩次同樣如此,看來從今往後,我毫無可能成為“忍者” 終極人物。



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