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Farewell to Mayan(告別瑪雅)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月13日16:14:30 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



Aiden in English

        I've traveled around the globe and feel like the same thing every time. The last day is always, always the time when my perfect vocation gets ruined. The moment I woke up today, I was filled with sorrow, knowing that today would be the last day of paradise in Mexico. Once I return, I'll be going back to something like a prison called school and forced to do experiments on paper that hurts the brain and that measures my intellect. If I decided not to cooperate, the punishment would be horrible. I would be asked to wake up and go to school early!

        My getaway is too short for me to get used to the relaxing atmosphere. As I walked along the beach for one final time, I knew that this trip would be just like my other trips to be remembered, preserved, and recorded in my journal for as long as I live.

        At last, it was time to leave. Our bags were packed and ready to go. We were escorted to the airport and checked in. The Cancun International Airport (CUN) looked pretty big compared to the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). There were fancy restaurants and souvenir shops all over the places. It seemed like a mall, but a really, really expensive mall. As much as it was an amazing sight, I wasn't really in the moment. All that time, I was reflecting on this getaway and the information on the Mayan culture. The Mayans were really unique like no other cultures I've ever seen. Impressively, their religion was based off of science and logic. It sounded so alien to me because most civilization went by simple daily routines. The Mayans took it a step farther and explored the advanced astronomy. I am stunned about the Mayan intelligence at their time.

        Mexico is very different from what we look at it back home. Both Cancun and Yucatan Peninsula are pretty peaceful and its citizens are extremely friendly, which have made our vacation memorable.






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