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76ers Overnight Camp─Playoff(七六人隊籃球寄宿營─決賽)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月06日13:52:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        The playoffs were here, and everyone was ready. After that huge victory last night, GA-Tech felt undefeatable. Maybe we became overconfident, but really, that game made us the best team in the ACC.

        Notice how I said the word “team” in the last phrase, because, as the theme of the week, today we weren’t a team. There was a clumpy obstacle course, and GA-Tech had the lead of about 13 feet/4 meters of obstacles. I don’t know how, but we did. I tagged the next teammate, and the second to the last part arrived. The kid rushed the first try. Since it was a balance beam, he fell off. Okay, the kid calmed down and tried again. But right at the end on a jump from beam to beam, his left foot slipped and he took a tumble. By then, the leading opponent was on the same obstacle, and he easily overtook the clumsy kid, leaving him in the dust. So did the other two before he cleared the course. 

        When the team got together, everyone was pointing fingers at that kid, burning him by saying that he sucked at everything. As our sensible kid stepped in, he began to criticize us, and GA-Tech went right back to the one on Tuesday. “No one can score a bucket for your life!” “Your mom plays better than you all!” “What’s so hard about walking over a piece of wood?!” So while we were all yelling at each other, the momentum we had just built yesterday crashed against a steel wall, and that was it. At the moment, I knew that our playoff hopes wore basically over unless we demolished UVA. 

        Instead, though, UVA destroyed us with fouls and misses, getting wide open buckets that could’ve been shot by a 2-year-old baby. On offense, we wore chugging along as fast as a snail, barely moving the ball. We lost because we weren’t a team once again. So what used to be a smoothly running train was now a car that was out of gas in the middle of nowhere. What also looked like GA-Tech stealing the third seed now was GA-Tech at the bottom, left to face UNC. Despite the fact that we dominated the last game, UNC just came off of a big win over the number two seed, Duke. We were beaten beginning to end in the first round of the playoffs today. Although the score didn’t reflect it, GA-Tech wasn’t whole like the last game. We were frustrated, mad, and blamed our own team, stabbing the already dead basketball team I used to know. The game ended with UNC on top by seven. But to me, those seven points seemed like infinity. We did what we could, yet it wasn’t enough. UNC was just simply a better team, even though we had more talent. 

        In fact, we had the champion of one-on-one in our team. But basketball is with a team, not one person. So no matter what, unless you’re Michael Jordan, one versus five never works.




        全隊集合的時候,人人出言不遜,指責那傢伙拖了大家的後腿。當事人也不是善茬子,又反過來抨擊我們,喬治亞理工學院隊重新回到星期二出現的狀態。“這輩子沒人能投中!”“你媽媽比你幹什麼都強!”“難道走獨木橋就那麼難?!” 隨着隊友間唇槍舌戰不斷升溫,我們昨天煥發出來的旺盛鬥志至此被鐵壁銅牆撞得粉碎,就這麼簡單。那一瞬間,我恍然意識到除非幹掉弗吉尼亞大學隊,否則喬治亞理工學院隊決賽晉級的希望渺茫。



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