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ER in Children Hospital of Philly(费城儿童医院医急诊)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年05月11日07:48:08 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        Everyone in the Greater Philadelphia Area knows about CHOP, considering that the name already includes the word “Philadelphia”. Based upon what my mom tells me, I’ve been here when I admitted into its Emergency Room at about two years old because of fever of 108oF/42.2oC. This time around, it wasn’t much better. The fever I had reached 104oF/40oC just today and had lasted for 10 days now. And so, CHOP, it’s nice to meet you again.

        From what mom keeps telling me, I’ll be here until three o’clock in the morning. It could be true if it was a little later than nine o’clock as I rushed into this ER. Unfortunately, it can’t take six hours to find what bacteria are infecting me if bacteremia is diagnosed from the blood culture or what virus is so invasive that my immune system has been knocked down in the past ten days. Anyway, tonight should get me some answers as to how I am still sick with normal X-ray and no other typical flu symptoms. Pediatric medicine did nearly nothing. It temporarily stopped the fever when I took Advil, a fever reducer. As soon as the medication was gone, I was burning up as usual. The fever became worse too. Soon, Advil wasn’t even lasting four hours. On the first day of fever, I took one pill of 200 mg Advil and felt fine for an entire day. After the meds, I needed around four pills a day, and the fever still was up there. I couldn’t bring it down anymore. I went to see my pediatric doctor on Day 5 and was given 500 mg of Azithromycin daily. At the time, Dr. Galena thought instantly that I might suffer from a bacterial infection because the fever had hiked longer than viral flu could contribute to. After a course of 3-day antibiotic treatment, the fever came back once again. Mom had to pull me out of school for one day, which piled on a lot of work. As she noted that my pills weren’t working, she made the decision to go to CHOP at nine o’clock in the evening.

        The emergency room I was held in was quite simple, with a bed and three chairs. A bunch of hospital supplies was located behind me. I had like five hundred nurses come and go, each giving a small something or checking my temperature and pulse. It hadn’t really dropped even though I alternatively took 650 mg of Tylenol and 400 mg of Motrin for 6 hours. I got two blankets on and still felt like the Arctic Circle in the room. My body was like a microwave, and the doctors didn’t seem a bit worried. That actually bothered me because either they were missing something, or that this was normal, which was apparently not for me.

        At around midnight, I got an IV line in my right arm and the blood was drawn for C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in addition to the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) and the complete blood count (CBC). I’m not going to describe it, and let’s just leave it as it hurts. A lot. But I guess mom was right about one thing. The process was going to take until three in the morning. The doctor returned two hours later while I was sipping some electrolyte-boosted Gatorade that tasted like poop and watching the college football replay of yesterday’s game. My CRP and ESR behaved normally, except the fact of a virus that was going through me. With the perfect results for both inflammatory markers, I might just have a simple, everyday viral syndrome excluding Epstein–Barr Virus. It was totally not worth going through a whole lot of the pain in coming here. All mom said was that it was a “just in case” kind of thing. Well, “just in case” you don’t know, I’m still alive, and the virus is quite normal up to date. I’m not going to Chinese school today because the doctors said so.






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