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送交者: 一草 2020年07月29日09:59:56 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



PORTLAND, OREGON - JULY 27: Federal police face off with protesters in front of the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse in downtown Portland as the city experiences another night of unrest on July 27, 2020 in Portland, Oregon. For over 57 straight nights, protesters in downtown Portland have faced off in often violent clashes with the Portland Police Bureau and, more recently, federal officers. The demonstrations began to honor the life of George Floyd and other black Americans killed by law enforcement and have intensified as the Trump administration called in the federal officers. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)



編譯:Maggie L


Maureen Healy的聲明, 2020年7月22日。

從6月份開始, 我就和家人,朋友一起參加波特蘭地區的支持”黑人的命也是命”的和平抗議活動。



我當時正和一大群普通人在一起, 有成年人,青少年,學生,母親和父親們。在我看來,這就是我們這個城市的縮影。”黑人的命也是命”的口號聲引導着人群平靜地從司法中心,走過蘋果店的壁畫。有些遊行者還唱着歌。我們在喊口號,喊着那些被警察無辜殺害的人的名字。我們在壁畫前靜立。



我的職業訓練和多年的教學, 使我很了解歷史上(歐洲)是怎樣從一個充滿活力的民主制度滑坡到屈服於專制制度的。聯邦軍隊不加區別地向我們國家的普通百姓開槍。我們正站在滑坡上。

當我在急診室,終於(在催淚彈後)有機會喘一口氣時,我才真正明白,是我的政府打傷了我。我自己的政府。我不是被一個毫不相干的人在街上打傷的, 我是被一個聯邦執法人員扣動扳機,把一顆子彈打入我的頭顱的。

被打傷後,所幸有幾位醫護志願者幫助了我。他們之中,至少一位是玫瑰果軍醫集體的(Rosehip Medic Collective)。為了避開催淚彈,他們讓我迅速地進入了停在附近的一輛麵包車裡,為我包紮了頭部,又把車開到了幾個街區之外。從那裡,我被家人轉送到了急診室。我很感激這些醫護志願者對我的幫助,以及他們高超的技術和難以置信的善良護理。

我們必須把話題回到”黑人的命也是命”。警察對黑人的殘酷執法是在我的城市和全國爆發的和平抗議活動的真正主題。發生在我身上的事情不算什麼。和黑人每天從執法者(大部分是當地警察)那裡所遭受的相比, 我的遭遇不值一提。這就是為什麼我們一直在抗議。這也是為什麼我會繼續參加遊行。



Statement by Maureen Healy, July 22, 2020
For Immediate Release

Since June, I have been attending peaceful protests in Portland neighborhoods in support of Black Lives Matter. I have gone with family and friends.

I am a 52-year-old mother. I am a history professor.

I went downtown yesterday to express my opinion as a citizen of the United States, and as a resident of Portland. Of Oregon. This is my home. I was protesting peacefully. So why did federal troops shoot me in the head Monday night?

I was in a large crowd of ordinary folks. Adults, teens, students. Moms and dads. It looked to me like a cross-section of the City. Black Lives Matter voices led the crowd on a peaceful march from the Justice Center past the murals at the Apple store. The marchers were singing songs. We were chanting. We were saying names of Black people that have been killed by police. We observed a moment of silence in front of the George Floyd mural.

I wanted to, and will continue to, exercise my First Amendment right to speak. Federal troops have been sent to my city to extinguish these peaceful protests. I was not damaging federal property. I was in a crowd with at least a thousand other ordinary people. I was standing in a public space.

In addition to being a Portland resident, I am also a historian. My field is Modern European History, with specialization in the history of Germany and Eastern Europe. I teach my students about the rise of fascism in Europe.

By professional training and long years of teaching, I am knowledgeable about the historical slide by which seemingly vibrant democracies succumbed to authoritarian rule. Militarized federal troops are shooting indiscriminately into crowds of ordinary people in our country. We are on that slide.

It dawned on me when I was in the ER, and had a chance to catch my breath (post tear gas): my government did this to me. My own government. I was not shot by a random person in the street. A federal law enforcement officer pulled a trigger that sent an impact munition into my head.

After being hit I was assisted greatly by several volunteer medics. At least one of them was with Rosehip Medic Collective. To take shelter from the teargas I was hustled into a nearby van. Inside they bandaged my head and drove me several blocks away. From there my family took me to the ER. I am grateful for the assistance, skill, and incredibly kind care of these volunteer medics.

We must take this back to Black Lives Matter. Police brutality against Black people is the real subject of these peaceful protests that have been happening in my city and across the country. What happened to me is nothing. It is nothing compared to what happens to Black citizens at the hands of law enforcement, mostly local police, every day. And that is why we have been marching. That is why I will continue to march.

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