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Poem—What’s in the Closet?(詩歌—壁櫃裡有什麼?)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年08月09日06:18:00 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

            What’s in the closet?

            Clothes? Shoes? My favorite leather jacket?

            Or a portal to Jumanji, the jungle and beyond

            A bright verdant forest of elephants and magic.


            Perhaps there’s a doorway to Camelot

            That holds dragons with mighty wings,

            Where knights don colored and crested metals

            To fight for their noble kings.


            Maybe it’s a rift to down below

            To the dark depths of despair

            Where things with ten eyes and two fingers

            Await young prey to scare.


            Or there’s a hot tub time machine

            That takes me to a future of mine,

            Where neon beams split the night canvas

            Of stunning intricate designs.


            But when I open the closet

            I find my clothes, shoes, and a leather jacket.

            Perhaps I should’ve left it shut

            To preserve the imagination and magic.


























Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2014: Argumentative—Boys & Girls Co-Team(議論文—論男女同隊)

2019-08-14_Steakhouse Tavern0001.JPG


2018: On the Ionian Sea, Italy(意大利愛奧尼奧海─航海日)

2018: On the Adriatic Sea(亞得里亞海─航海日)

9th Grade Poem─Christmas Star(高一詩歌─聖誕之星)

9th Grade Sonnet─Importance(高一十四行詩─重要性)

9th Grade Poem─Snow Falls(高一詩歌─下雪)

8th Grade Narrative Poetry―Snow(初三敘事詩─雪)

2016: Middle of Nowhere, North Sea(北海─滄海無際)

2016: Middle of Nowhere, Irish Sea(蘇格蘭茫茫愛爾蘭海)

2016: Middle of Nowhere, Baltic Sea(從德國到愛沙尼亞波羅的海航行)

6th Grade Poem─Haiku Skit Script(初一詩歌─俳句劇本)

6th Grade Poem─Haiku Skit Script(詩歌─俳句劇本)

6th Grade Descriptive Poetry─Black(初一敘事詩─黑色)

5th Grade Poem: Limerick(五行打油詩)

4th Grade Bio Poem(四年級自傳體詩歌)

3rd Grade Diamond Poem(三年級晶鑽詩體)

3rd Grade Free-Style Poem(三年級自由詩體)

3rd Grade Poem─Limerick(三年級五行打油詩)

11th Grade(高中三年級)

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