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The Graveyard(归宿)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年08月10日09:51:08 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        A dandelion sways in the sighing spring breeze— its petals glistening under the pale white moonlight. Among a field of dying weeds, the sunflower sparkles in defiance, glaring at its adjacent life forms. Please, the flower whispers to itself. Leave me alone and let me shine.

        The world is cruel, but the dandelion doesn’t understand that. Yet. It doesn’t know that it too will one day become a decaying shell of beauty, just like his neighbors on that field.




Today in History(历史上的今天):

2018: Salerno—Operation Avalanche, Italy(意大利萨勒诺—雪崩计划)

2018: Vietri sul Mare the Liquid Gold, ITA(意大利维耶特里—景德镇)

2018: Cetara the Anchovy Drippings, Italy(意大利切塔拉—凤尾鱼酱产地)

2018: Maiori the Movie Setting, Italy(意大利马奥莱—电影外景地)

2018: Minori the Town of Taste, Italy(意大利米诺利—吃货之城)

2018: Atrani—Natural Amphitheater on the Sea, ITA(意大利阿特拉尼—天然海上圆形剧场)

2018: Amalfi the Divine Town, Italy(意大利阿玛菲—神圣之城)

2018: Furore the Neverland, Italy(意大利富罗雷—梦幻之岬)

2018: Praiano—Open Sea, Italy(意大利普莱亚诺—临海之滨)

2018: Positano the Vertical City, Italy(意大利波西塔诺—垂直之城)

2018: Torna a Surriento, Italy(意大利—重归苏连托)

2018: Sorrento and Amalfi Coast, Italy(意大利苏莲托与阿玛菲海岸)

2016: Middle of Nowhere, North Sea(北海─沧海无际)

2014: GHCS Camp—Shading in Sketch Art(光华营素描的浓淡处理)

2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)


11th Grade(高中三年级)

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