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The following is my comments :
送交者: 鲁迅九 2020年09月30日09:15:21 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

Voting for Trump means to votre for America. The economy of the states will be boosted much by Trump

He is the president for the economy and bring lots more of job positions. Believe me! He will start any reform of economy  the people need in the states. The problem of North Korea will be also resolved soon.  China will buy uncountable tons of arigriculture products from USA because of Trump. It realy makes sense!

China and USA will collaborate closely in the future to guide the global economy.   All the people , please forget Biden and his Democratic party that has only Mao Zedong's thoughts in their mentality.

The only way to make country powerful is the economy.

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