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“海怪律師”通知川販: 請註明支票兌現人稀泥
送交者: isleskye 2020年11月26日12:00:09 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

海怪律師通知川販: 請註明支票兌現人稀泥

'Kraken’ attorney has message for Trump fans: Make checks payable to Sidney Powell

Today we learned why mobster Don Donald Trump wanted the wildest of his wild-eyed attorneys ejected unceremoniously from his so-called legal team: She was trying to cut into his action.

Yes, TV attorney Sidney Powell can grift with the best of them.

Now that Powell has “unleashed the Kraken” with the help of a copy editor who was smoking the Kraken, it’s time to resolve one of the burning questions of the QAnon universe: “How can we ever show our appreciation to Sidney Powell?”

It turns out you can send her a check as part of a ruse so shameless that Powell isn’t bothering to have your payment made out to the 501 C-4 political “organization” she formed. Just pay the woman directly.


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2016: 多200萬票
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