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送交者: 福禄 2020年12月09日07:59:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

A suspected Chinese spy slept with at least 2 mayors and got close to Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell in a yearslong intelligence campaign, report says

Ashley Collman
  • Fang Fang, also known as Christine Fang, embedded herself in Bay Area politics and slept with two Midwestern mayors as part of a yearslong Chinese intelligence campaign, according to an Axios investigation.

  • She also fundraised for Reps. Eric Swalwell and Tulsi Gabbard, both of whom ran in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, Axios said.

  • According to the outlet, Fang returned to China in mid-2015 amid an FBI investigation into her activities. She has not returned to the US since.

  • Fang's story shows the lengths that Beijing goes to influence American politics — getting cozy with politicians early on in their careers so it can influence them later on.

  • Axios' story was published a day after President Donald Trump retweeted a video that purported to show a Chinese professor saying: "We have people at the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence."

  色诱的资本 - 福禄 12/09/20 (86)
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