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破除關於新冠疫苗的謠傳| 川普早已打了疫苗秘而不宣
送交者: 一草 2021年03月03日09:57:20 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



破除關於新冠疫苗的謠傳 ZT

Original 宵枚 俄州亞太聯盟 Yesterday



前言:打疫苗,美國有些人有顧慮。紐約的連鎖診所CityMD特地推出一篇文章,針對人們的錯誤觀點, 加以澄清。在這裡和大家分享英文原文,並且加了中文翻譯(意譯為主)。Myth就是似是而非的不實觀點。中文說就是謠言、謠傳。這篇文章的主要內容是2021年2月初發出的。




Should I get it or not? That's the big question many are asking right now when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine. Unfortunately, there's a lot of false and misleading information circulating, especially on social media, that is making the question difficult to answer. With the help of Dr. Ashish Parikh, Chief Quality Officer of Summit CityMD, we’ve laid out some of the most common myths surrounding the existing vaccines and dispel them with facts.

打,還是不打疫苗?對一些人來說,是一個問題。紐約城市急症系統(urgent care)的醫療總監艾士師·帕瑞科針對坊間流行的遙傳和顧慮做了以下解說。

1。MYTH: People with underlying conditions should not get the vaccine.



One serious piece of misinformation is that the vaccine could harm or kill you if you have underlying medical conditions. The vaccine trials included not only healthy people but also people with chronic conditions including those living with HIV. The vaccines were found to be highly effective in all populations included.

這是一種錯誤的說法。在疫苗做三期實驗時,不僅健康人群參加了實驗,許多有慢性病的人也參加了實驗。實驗證明了疫苗對所有的人都有保護作用。(對於那些病情不穩定的人,最好詢問自己的醫生後,再打疫苗。比如說,心臟病的病人,詢問心臟病科的醫生; 腎臟病的病人,詢問腎臟病的醫生; 有癌症的病友,詢問自己的癌症專家。。。)


While data for all categories of patients is not yet available, Dr. Parikh says that adult patients with immunosuppression, autoimmune diseases, and active cancers, as well as those who take anticoagulants (blood thinners), are all encouraged to take the vaccine. "It's not only 95 percent effective at reducing the risk of getting COVID-19; it's almost 100 percent effective at reducing the risk of getting a severe case of it," he says. "The bottom line is that the people who are most afraid of getting the vaccine are the ones who are also the most at risk of contracting severe cases of the virus itself. So, when the vaccine is available to you, I strongly recommend you get it."


2。MYTH: The vaccine cannot be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.



One false theory that exists is that a spike protein of the virus and the human placenta share a tiny code in genetic material, thus causing the COVID-19 antibodies to attack the reproductive system. This theory has no scientific backing, and there is zero evidence that the antibodies created by the body to fight COVID-19 have any impact on the placenta or its development. In fact, the placental protein, syncytin-1, and the coronavirus spike protein just aren't similar enough.


Dr. Parikh notes that pregnant women are at a slightly higher risk for complications of COVID-19, which is why they should consider being inoculated against it. "We encourage women who are pregnant to discuss the risks of COVID-19 and the benefits of the vaccine with their provider. Women at increased risk for infection like those who work in health care should strongly consider getting vaccinated," he says.



"As for breastfeeding, the vaccine does not make its way into breast milk. However, protective antibodies will be passed on to the nursing infant, which is a good thing.”


For now, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended that you discuss the benefits and potential unknown risks of vaccination with your health care provider to determine what’s best for you and your baby.


3。MYTH: The vaccine cannot be taken by women who are trying to conceive.



Another big rumor circulating is that the COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility, but this is another baseless claim. There is no evidence that the vaccine impacts fertility. In fact, there were people participating in the clinical trials that became pregnant during the study period.


4。MYTH: The vaccine will change my DNA.



Another concern that has come up is that the vaccine may somehow change your DNA or genes. This rumor started because the vaccine contains a small piece of genetic material called RNA. This RNA in the vaccine is a code to help your body make the spike protein of the virus which in turn activates your immune system and helps you develop immunity. “The RNA from the vaccine is quickly broken down soon after injection and will not remain in your body for any significant time. And there's no way it can change your DNA," says Dr. Parikh.





5。MYTH: The risk of possible reactions outweighs the benefits of the vaccine.



There is also a cluster of concerns that the vaccine will cause fatalities, anaphylactic shock, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), Bell's palsy, or COVID-19 itself. Mainstream and social media reports from across the globe contribute to these fears.


帕瑞科醫生說,"其實打疫苗最嚴重的副作用就是窒息性嚴重過敏症。但是這種過敏是可以治療的" 。他還說,疫苗可以降低得病的嚴重性,而得病後即使痊癒,有時也有後遺症。目前我們對COVID的後遺症,還不完全了解。

"The most serious adverse reaction to be concerned about is anaphylaxis—and it's totally treatable," he says. "It also has lower incidence than the serious complications of getting COVID-19, which we don't yet know the long-term effects of."

There have been no cases of GBS reported due to the vaccine. And in terms of Bell's palsy, the CDC cites the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports that it does not consider these to be above the rate expected in the general population. They have not concluded these cases were caused by vaccination.


帕瑞科醫生說,迄今為止的疫苗注射記錄給我們一個重要信息: 那些打了疫苗後死亡的人,包括那些死亡於老人院的病人,他們的死因都是由於他們的基礎病。而且,這些死亡比率,並不高於打了其它疫苗後的死亡率。


Dr. Parikh says that for all reactions documented so far, it's important to note that any unfortunate issues, including deaths in long-term care facilities, are largely coincidental and due to existing conditions unrelated to COVID-19. These instances are also not above the normal rate and may arise with the administration of any vaccine.

6。MYTH: The vaccine may give me COVID-19.

還有人聽信謠言,說疫苗會給人COVID 疾病。





The vaccines currently available (Pfizer and Moderna) do not contain live virus, so there is no way for someone to contract the virus from the vaccine itself. The vaccine helps your body make antibodies against the virus and during this process you might feel ill for a day or two. But that's not the same as getting the disease.

7。MYTH: The new virus strains are resistant to the vaccine.




The virus has been continually mutating since it was discovered. Several new strains of COVID-19 have recently made the news because they have been shown to spread more easily and may make people sicker. The vaccines have been tested against these new strains, and current evidence suggests that getting the vaccine will still protect you. However, it is still recommended that in addition to getting the vaccine, you should continue wearing your mask around people who are not members of your household, as well as washing your hands, and practicing proper social distancing.

Listen to the Experts.

If you're worried about getting the vaccine, don't rely on social media posts for information. There are plenty of facts right at your fingertips. Ask your physician or head to the CDC COVID-19 vaccine website, which has a lot of reliable information about the vaccine.


8。最近美國陽性病例連續6、7周下降。二月末,COVID死亡率也出現了下降。但是,變異病毒仍是大家心中的擔憂。CDC瓦主任今天警告大家,COVID的第四波還是有可能的。她請求大家嚴格遵守防疫原則: 戴口罩,保持安全距離,不要聚會,避免旅行,如果輪到你打疫苗了,不要猶豫,去打疫苗。







儘管接種兩劑輝瑞新冠疫苗後,對預防新冠病毒感染有效性到達95%,但輝瑞公司現在正在研究注射三劑疫苗的效果,這是預防變種病毒的一大策略。該公司周四宣布,正在對6個多月前接受第一劑疫苗的人進行加強劑量的研究。輝瑞公司首席執行官Albert Bourla相信第三劑疫苗將把抗體反應提高10-20倍。



宵枚編譯 參考CityMD給大眾的科普郵件,"一畝三分地"公眾號,2-28-2021

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