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Why NYU?(为何选择纽约大学)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2021年04月26日15:40:45 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand - Why NYU? (400 Word Maximum)

        Our public education system prioritizes “core” subjects while sacrificing survival courses such as personal finance. To promote financial literacy among high school students, I launched the virtual Southeastern Pennsylvania Investment Conference (SEPAIC). My team and I invited speakers from the business, finance, management, and accounting fields to provide insight into their careers and experiences. Using Zoom, we opened sessions to my high school and surrounding school districts. Speakers usually gave a twenty-minute presentation, followed by a questions period during which the guest and students could interact. 

        Watching the curiosity of my peers pour into the tiny chat box showed me that students only needed the opportunity to increase their financial literacy. In an audience exit poll, we asked a few questions, including whether they were interested in business as a future career path. With a quarter of submissions returned answering “no,” I realized that the conferences were also reaching a broader audience than just dedicated business majors. While it wasn’t much, that extra 25% of ears meant that those 30 students would approach their futures with more financial responsibility, contributing to fulfilling the mission of SEPAIC.

        Through SEPAIC, I discovered the importance of effective management, and long-term planning with organized responsibilities resulted in success; however, to take my next step, I want to journey to NYU, a hub of diverse education and home to the Stern School of Business. Placed in the center of the New York City melting pot, NYU offers numerous real-world opportunities in and out of the school. In particular, classes like Developing Managerial Skills teach imperative skills—self-awareness, group communication, and effective team-building—while other courses like Growth Strategy and Management offer techniques to advance an idea into an enterprise. With my ambitions of helping those around me, small endeavors like SEPAIC would be greatly magnified with the Stern curriculum.

        Outside of the classroom, NYU offers an array of services, the immediate stand-out being the NYU Management and Consultant Group. To educate students on consulting, the organization holds workshops, offers mentorships, and participates in case competitions. Above all, this real-world experience can improve students’ management skills while allowing them to interact with professionals in the field. In bridging the academic and professional gap, this group is a microcosm of NYU’s education. An education from NYU would provide me with the tools to pursue my mission of helping others through management.


我们想进一步了解你对纽约大学的兴趣,是什么促使你申请纽大的?为何你特别对校园、学校、学院、课程和/或学习领域甚感兴趣?如果你申请不止一个方面,请同时告诉我们你对其他学习领域或校园感兴趣的原因。我们就想弄清——为啥选择纽大? (最多400字)





Today in History(历史上的今天):

2019: We're Not Special(我们并无例外)

2015 GHCS Field Trip @ Green Lane Park(光华绿荫公园春游日)

2014: Spring Soccer Game I(春季足球之一)

2020-12-17_Shovel-20001.JPGRecord Snowfall of 24.7"/62.7 cm 

(24.7英寸/62.7厘米降雪纪录 12、17、2020)


12th Grade(高中四年级)

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