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Special Talents (特殊才能)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2021年05月09日15:56:59 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


【Aiden in English】

〖Please indicate any special talents or skills you possess. You should write in either paragraph or bulleted-list format (250 words).〗

        Creativity is difficult to achieve. I’d realized this at a young age, banging my head against the desk trying to overcome writer’s block; however, with time, I discovered the best method to break the creative slowdown is to force your pencil onto the paper, make something up, and go with it.

        The beauty of this strategy unveiled itself at a recent, virtual Science Olympiad invitational. One of my events, Experimental Design, decided that the best procedure would be to list tools and materials rather than provide images. While this made it open for creativity, an event prioritizing the construction of a thorough experiment while not supplying detailed pictures did not seem reasonable.

        My team awaited my instructions. Much like pushing through writer’s block, I decided to open myself to all options and make something up. I imagined sitting in front of a lab bench with a Bunsen burner, copper and aluminum sheets, metal tubing, tweezers, and safety gear lying in front of me. The theme for the event popped into my head: Thermal Expansion.

        I was foreign to chemical physics, but creativity and problem-solving can be found in unexpected places. Through context clues, we designed an experiment that explored the relationship between an increase in temperature and the expansion of copper. Despite having little knowledge of molecular physics, our work on this experiment earned us a 1st place medal.


〖請註明你所擁有的特殊才華或技能,用段落或列表方式書寫(250 字)〗






12th Grade(高中四年級)

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