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Philadelphia Navy Yard, PA(費城海軍造船廠)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2021年12月08日09:32:28 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Navy Yard0001.JPG

【Six Significant Landscapes·VI】 

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        Rationalists, wearing square hats,

        Think, in square rooms,

        Looking at the floor,

        Looking at the ceiling.

        They confine themselves

        To right-angled triangles.

        If they tried rhomboids,

        Cones, waving lines, ellipses-

        As, for example, the ellipse of the half-moon-

        Rationalists would wear sombreros.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——













【注】費城海軍造船廠地處特拉華河及暗河交匯口(The Confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers),已有近兩百年的輝煌歷史,但隨着冷戰結束,終於1996年9月26日正式關閉,同年被經營商船的費城船廠(舊稱耕地費城船廠,Aker Philadelphia Shipyard)接盤。經過幾年大規模改建,原本陳舊的船塢基地被開發打造成新型工業園地,除了生產商用船舶的工場依然留守故地,藥明康德(WuXi AppTec)、葛蘭素史克製藥公司(GlaxoSmithKline)、傑斐遜醫療(Jefferson Health)、城市服裝商(URBN)、底特律能源(DTE Energy)、艾仕得塗料系統公司(Axalta Coating Systems, Ltd.)、美味食品(Tastykake)等先後到此落戶或增設分部,讓這個鐫刻着時代烙印的工業老區與藝術、文化、時尚等摩登新區相擁,重新煥發出生命的魅力。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2021: Penn's Landing in Philadelphia, PA(賓州費城潘碼頭)

2017-08-25_Sports Complex & Navy Yard0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Navy Yard Entrance0001.JPG

2017-08-25_Aerial View of Dry Docks 4 & 5, the Navy Yard’s Largest Dry Docks @ Aker Philadelphia Shipyard_Paint0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Aker Philadelphia Shipyard_Paint & Blast0001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS Samuel B Roberts-10001.JPG

2013-01-12_Navy Yard0001.JPG

2017-08-25_Del River_Naval Yard0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Reserve Basin0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Reserve Basin_Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility0001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS Shreveport (LPD-12)-30001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS Shreveport (LPD-12)-20001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS Barry (DD-933)_ one of 18 Forrest Sherman Destroyers0001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS Charles Adams (DDG-2)-20001.JPG

2021-12-04_Decommissioned Ships Sitting Mothballed0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility (NISMF)0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Throwback Thursday-Dry Dock-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_Pier 1-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS John F. Kennedy, the Last Non-Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Built for the Navy-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_USS JFK, the Last Non-Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Built for the Navy-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_Grace Moran, the Tugboat0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Constituion Ave0001.JPG

2021-12-04_USNS GySgt Fred W. Stockham (T-AK-3017)_ a Shughart-class Container & Roll-on Roll-off Support Vessel in the US Navy's Military Sealift Command-20001.JPG

2021-12-04_Naval Foundry Propeller Center0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Rhoads a Multidiscipline Corporation Providing Industrial Fabrication_ Installation & Maintenance for Commercial & Government Projects0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Commandant Quarters0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Bldg 18 & Anthropologie0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Bldg 18 Annex Added in 1942 w the facility’s Lower Level Served as a Parking Garage and the Upper Floor Provided Storage & Corporate Ctr and Commerce Ctr0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Bldg 18 as a Boiler Shop Constructed in 1904 & now Part of the Headquarters Complex for Urban Outfitters0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Bld 611_ a Rusting Warehouse0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Moran Towing of Pennsylvania0001.JPG

2021-12-04_GEODIS_ a Worldwide Transport & Logistics Leader0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Ofi cers’ Quarters-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_Dry Dock Park0001.JPG


2017-08-25_Girard Point Bridge & Boaters Island-10001.JPG

2021-12-04_Vane Brothers-Philly Launch0001.JPG

2021-12-04_Aircraft_American Eagle0001.JPG




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