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Limousine liberal-豪華轎車自由主義者
送交者: FVCK 2022年06月27日13:04:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


維基百科:  豪華轎車自由主義和拿鐵自由主義是貶義的美國政治術語,用於說明上層階級或上層中產階級地位的政治自由主義者的虛偽行為。這個標籤主要源於豪華轎車自由主義者不願意實踐他們聲稱要堅持的觀點,例如。呼籲使用公共交通工具,同時經常使用私人擁有的豪華交通工具,特別是在極度富裕的情況下乘坐豪華轎車或私人飛機,[1] 聲稱有環保意識但駕駛燃油效率低的車輛,或在送孩子時表面上支持公共教育到學費高昂的獨家私立學校。

形成和早期使用 普羅卡奇諾運動 民主黨紐約市市長候選人馬里奧·普羅卡奇諾在 1969 年激烈的競選活動中創造了“豪華轎車自由派”一詞來形容現任市長約翰·林賽和他富有的曼哈頓支持者。歷史學家大衛卡拉漢說普羅卡奇諾:  讓人聯想到虛偽的富有的壞人的形象,他們不受他們壞主意的負面影響。從那以後,這個主題一直是保守派攻擊的主要內容。 [3] 這是一個民粹主義和生產者主義的綽號,隱含指責它所描述的人們不受他們聲稱造福窮人的計劃的所有負面後果的影響,並且這些計劃的成本和後果將主要由工人階級或下層中產階級的人,他們沒有窮到自己成為受益者。特別是,普羅卡奇諾批評林賽偏袒失業的少數族裔,例如。黑人和西班牙裔,超過工人階級的白人種族。 [4] 一份普羅卡奇諾競選備忘錄抨擊“住在第五大道的超級同化富豪,在城外維持一些豪宅,對中產小店主、房主等毫無感情。他們宣揚對抗政治,縱容暴力動亂在社會中,因為他們沒有被它所觸動並受到他們的朝臣的保護”。 [5] 《獨立報》後來表示,“林賽給人的印象是風度翩翩,沒有實質內容,是一個‘豪華轎車自由派’,對同時將理查德尼克松送入白宮的同一個‘沉默的大多數’的擔憂一無所知。” [6] 以後使用 在 1970 年代,該術語適用於富裕的自由派支持者,他們自己並沒有利用這兩者。[7]在馬薩諸塞州的波士頓,參議員特德·肯尼迪(Ted Kennedy)等公共汽車的支持者將他們的孩子送到私立學校並住在富裕的郊區。對一些南波士頓居民來說,肯尼迪支持一項將他們的孩子與黑人“融合”的計劃,而且他顯然不願意對自己的孩子做同樣的事情,這是虛偽的。 [8] 到 1990 年代末和 21 世紀初,該術語也開始適用於那些支持環保或“綠色”目標(例如公共交通)但駕駛大型 SUV 或實際上擁有豪華轎車和司機的人。山姆·迪利 (Sam Dealey) 在《標準周刊》(The Weekly Standard) 上撰文,將這個詞應用於希拉·傑克遜·李 (Sheila Jackson-Lee),因為“她的一名工作人員經常在公務車上駕駛一小段時間上班,費用由納稅人承擔。”[9 ] 這個詞在 2004 年的《法律與秩序》一集中也被弗雷德湯普森的角色亞瑟·布蘭奇用來批評他更自由的同事塞雷娜·索瑟林的政治和信仰。南方公園的創作者特雷·帕克和馬特·斯通在“自鳴得意的警報!”一集中取笑了一些自由主義者更關心形象而不是真正幫助地球的傾向。[需要引用] 《紐約觀察家報》將該詞應用於 2008 年民主黨總統候選人約翰·愛德華茲(John Edwards)支付 400 美元(相當於 2021 年的 520 美元)理髮,並且據該報稱,“在封閉式富裕中進行關於貧困的講座”。 [10] [11 ] 2009 年,一些評論員對前參議院多數黨領袖和當時的巴拉克·奧巴馬內閣任命的湯姆·達施勒(Tom Daschle)適用該詞,原因是他未能償還使用豪華轎車服務的稅款和利息。 [12][13] 民權領袖艾爾·夏普頓(Al Sharpton)使用“拿鐵自由主義者”這個詞來批評(主要是白人和高收入)左傾人士“坐在漢普頓周圍”,他們主張取消對警察運動的資助,而忽視了非洲裔美國人的擔憂:遭受高犯罪率並依靠強大的警察部隊。 [14] [15]

Limousine liberal

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Limousine liberal and latte liberal are pejorative U.S. political terms used to illustrate hypocritical behavior by political liberals of upper class or upper middle class status. The label stems primarily from unwillingness of limousine liberals to practice the views they purport to uphold, e.g. calling for the use of public transportation while frequently using privately owned luxury transportation, especially by limousines or private jets in the case of the extremely affluent,[1] claiming environmental consciousness but driving fuel inefficient vehicles, or ostensibly supporting public education while sending their children to exclusive private schools with high tuition fees.[2]


Formation and early use

Procaccino campaign

Democratic New York City mayoral hopeful Mario Procaccino coined the term "limousine liberal" to describe incumbent  Mayor John Lindsay and his wealthy Manhattan backers during a heated 1969 campaign. Historian David Callahan says that Procaccino:

conjured up an acid image of  hypocritical wealthy dogooders insulated from the negative fallout of  their bad ideas.  This theme has remained a staple of conservative  attacks ever since.[3]

It was a populist and producerist  epithet, carrying an implicit accusation that the people it described  were insulated from all negative consequences of their programs  purported to benefit the poor and that the costs and consequences of  such programs would be borne in the main by working class or lower middle class  people who were not so poor as to be beneficiaries themselves. In  particular, Procaccino criticized Lindsay for favoring unemployed  minorities, ex. blacks and Hispanics, over working-class white ethnics.[4]

One Procaccino campaign memo attacked "rich super-assimilated people who live on Fifth Avenue and maintain some choice mansions outside the city and have no feeling for the small middle class  shopkeeper, home owner, etc. They preach the politics of confrontation  and condone violent upheaval in society because they are not touched by  it and are protected by their courtiers".[5] The Independent  later stated that "Lindsay came across as all style and no substance, a  'limousine liberal' who knew nothing of the concerns of the same 'silent majority' that was carrying Richard Nixon to the White House at the very same time."[6]

Later use

In the 1970s, the term was applied to wealthy liberal supporters of open-housing and forced school busing who did not make use of either of these themselves.[7] In Boston, Massachusetts, supporters of busing, such as Senator Ted Kennedy, sent their children to private schools and lived in affluent suburbs. To some South Boston residents, Kennedy's support of a plan that "integrated" their children with blacks and his apparent unwillingness to do the same with his own children, was hypocrisy.[8]

By the late 1990s and early 21st century, the term has also come to be applied to those who support environmentalist or "green" goals, such as mass transit, yet drive large SUVs or literally have a limousine and driver. Sam Dealey, writing in The Weekly Standard, applied the term to Sheila Jackson-Lee  for being "routinely chauffeured the one short block to work—in a  government car, by a member of her staff, at the taxpayers' expense."[9] The term was also used disparagingly in a 2004 episode of Law & Order by Fred Thompson's character, Arthur Branch, to criticize the politics and beliefs of his more liberal colleague, Serena Southerlyn. South Park's creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone poked fun at the tendency of some liberals to be more concerned with image than actually helping the earth in the episode "Smug Alert!".[citation needed]

The New York Observer applied the term to 2008 Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards  for paying $400 (equivalent to $520 in 2021) for a haircut and,  according to the newspaper, "lectures about poverty while living in  gated opulence".[10][11]

In 2009, the term was applied by some commentators to former Senate Majority Leader and then-Barack Obama cabinet appointee Tom Daschle for failing to pay back taxes and interest on the use of a limousine service.[12][13]

Civil rights leader Al Sharpton used the term latte liberal to criticize (mostly white and high-income) left-leaning people "sit[ing] around the Hamptons" who advocated for the Defund the police movement and ignored the concerns of African-Americans that suffer under high crime rates and rely on a strong police force.[14][15]

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