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Deutsch L. Salford/Frederick, PA(賓州德裔柳樹津與和平使者下鎮)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2022年08月17日15:22:29 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Lower Salford-Frederick0001.JPG

【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Chang·III (1942)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The great statue of the General Du Puy

        Rested immobile, though neighboring catafalques

        Bore off the residents of its noble Place.


        The right, uplifted foreleg of the horse

        Suggested that, at the final funeral,

        The music halted and the horse stood still.


        On Sundays, lawyers in their promenades

        Approached this strongly-heightened effigy

        To study the past, and doctors, having bathed


        Themselves with care, sought out the nerveless frame

        Of a suspension, a permanence, so rigid

        That it made the General a bit absurd,


        Changed his true flesh to an inhuman bronze.

        There never had been, never could be, such

        A man. The lawyers disbelieved, the doctors


        Said that as keen, illustrious ornament,

        As a setting for geraniums, the General,

        The very Place Du Puy, in fact, belonged


        Among our more vestigial states of mind.

        Nothing had happened because nothing had changed.

        Yet the General was rubbish in the end.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——































【注】早在18世紀初期,來自德國、瑞士和荷蘭的農民湧進柳樹津下鎮及和平使者下鎮,由萊茵河上谷宮廷德語(Palatine German)演繹而來的賓州德語(PA Deitsch/Dutch/Diets/Deutsch)因此而盛行至20世紀中葉。如果用“生如夏花之絢爛,死如秋葉之靜美”來讚譽這一地區歷經沉浮後所展現的質樸之韻,我看實不為過。

以下大多數建築被列入《國家史跡名錄》(Natl. Register of Historic Places)。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2022: Germanic Upper Frederick Twp, PA (賓州日耳曼式和平使者上鎮)

2017: Amsterdam─Van Gogh Museum, NLD(荷蘭阿姆斯特丹─梵高博物館)

2014: YMCA Camp─Day @ Home(基督教青年會營─賦閒在家)

2009: 孩子手記(Kid's Writing)

2022-08-14_Dielman Kolb Homestead (1717) Gambrel Roofed Dwelling w a Modified Germanic Floor Plan0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Dielman Kolb Homestead_Shed0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Jacob Graeff's Mill on the Perkiomen Built in 1760_a Hip Roof w a Cupola on the East End0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Klein Meetinghouse (1843)0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Klein Meetinghouse_ the 2nd oldest congregation of the Brethren in the US_ which was founded in the area in 1720_ built the meetinghouse0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Klein Meetinghouse_Cemetery0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Klein Meetinghouse_the remains of Peter Becker_ who led the Brethren to America in 1714-10001.JPG

2022-08-14_Klein Meetinghouse_the remains of Peter Becker_ who led the Brethren to America in 1714-20001.JPG

2022-08-14_Knurr Log House (c. 1750)_Sheds & Bank Barn0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Knurr Log House_Corn Crib0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Knurr Log House_Germanic Log Dwelling w a Gable Roof & Traditional 3-Room 1st Floor Plan0001.JPG

2022-08-14_Gerloff Road Bridge (1888) Crossing Swamp Creek0001.JPG




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