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The Battery & Clinton Castle NM, NYC(紐約炮台地頭堡國家紀念碑)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2022年10月04日08:51:57 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2022-09-25 National Comic Book Day

Battery Park0001.JPG

【Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction—It Must Give Pleasure·VII (1942)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        He imposes orders as he thinks of them,

        As the fox and snake do. It is a brave affair.

        Next he builds capitols and in their corridors,


        Whiter than wax, sonorous, fame as it is,

        He establishes statues of reasonable men,

        Who surpassed the most literate owl, the most erudite


        Of elephants. But to impose is not

        To discover. To discover an order as of

        A season, to discover summer and know it,


        To discover winter and know it well, to find,

        Not to impose, not to have reasoned at all,

        Out of nothing to have come on major weather,


        It is possible, possible, possible. It must

        Be possible. It must be that in time

        The real will from its crude compoundings come,


        Seeming at first, a beast disgorged, unlike,

        Warmed by a desperate milk. To find the real,

        To be stripped of every fiction except one,


        The fiction of an absolute—Angel,

        Be silent in your luminous cloud and hear

        The luminous melody of proper sound.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——































【注】在恩賜島(Elise Island)成為海外入關美國的移民站之前,炮台公園一直用於紐約移民的登陸點;直到1890年,地頭堡移民中心才被埃恩賜島取代而改作露天劇場。

Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2022: Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC(紐約·華爾街三一教堂)


2022-09-25_Battery Park (1982)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Batter West of Castle Clinton National Monument in a Red Brick Façade (1811)  while Fort Amsterdam was demolished by 1790 after the American Revolutionary War0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Batter West of Castle Clinton National Monument_Courtyard0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Batter West of Castle Clinton National Monument_28 32- Pounder Cannons0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Batter West of Castle Clinton National Monument_Circular Fort0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Battery Urban Farm0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Pier A Harbor House w Bronze Sculpture of Jacob's Ladder Symbolizing the Dedication & Sacrifices of American Merchant Marines0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Museum of Jewish Heritage– A Living Memorial to the Holocaust (1997)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Wagner Park (1996) Sited on Landfill from the WTC Site0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Wagner Park_Lute0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Wagner Park_Tuba0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Korean War Memorial or the Universal Soldier in Black Granite Stele w the Shape of a Korean War Soldier Cut out of the Center (1991)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of East Coast @ Plaza & Inscribed Pillars Honoring the 4_601 American Servicemen who died in the Atlantic in WWII0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of Giovanni da Verrazzano0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of John Ericsson (1903) who helped to revolutionize military-maritime technology with his ironclad warship_ the Monitor.0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of John Wolfe Ambrose  Honored as Harbor Pioneer0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of the Immigrants_ 1973 Emphasizing the Struggle & Toil Inherent in the Experience of the Immigrant or Dislocated Person0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Memorial of Walloon Settlers (1924)0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Painted Fiberglass Monumental Sculpture of the Great Debate in Hebru Brantley’s signature character_ Flyboy as an exploration into what a superhero character of color would look like0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Peter Caesar Alberti Marker0001.JPG

Statue of Liberty0001.JPG


1993-09-04_Ellis Island-20001.JPG

2022-09-25_New York Bay against Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Battery East of Governors Island_Castle Williams_ ne Component of a Larger Defensive System for the Inner Harbor0001.JPG

2022-09-25_U.S.S. New York Cruised in the Harbor of Its Namesake City0001.JPG

2022-09-25_Governor's Island Ferry Terminal 10001.JPG

2022-09-25_17 State Street0001.JPG



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