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wow, 试了一下 chatgpt, 谷歌搜索是不是要完蛋?
送交者: pifu01 2023年01月22日18:21:38 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


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Sure, what would you like me to do? I can perform a wide range of tasks, such as answering questions, providing information, and even generating creative content.

how much do you know about buddhism

I have a lot of information on Buddhism, a religion and philosophy that originated in ancient India. It is based on the teachings of the Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in the 5th century BCE. The main goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment, a state of being in which one understands the true nature of reality and is freed from suffering. Buddhism has many different traditions and practices, including meditation and ethical guidelines for living, such as the Eightfold Path. The main branches of Buddhism are Theravada and Mahayana, but there are many other sub-schools and sects as well. Let me know if there is anything specific you would like to know.

tell me more about other sub-schools

Sure, there are many different sub-schools and sects within Buddhism, each with their own distinct beliefs and practices. Some of the more well-known sub-schools include:

  • Theravada: Also known as "The School of the      Elders," this is the oldest and most traditional form of Buddhism. It      is predominant in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. It      emphasizes the study of early Buddhist texts and the attainment of      individual enlightenment through meditation.

  • Mahayana: Also known as "The Great      Vehicle," this branch of Buddhism emphasizes the ideal of the      bodhisattva, or one who seeks to attain enlightenment not only for      themselves, but for the benefit of all sentient beings. It's the most      practiced in East Asia, including in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and      Tibet.

  • Vajrayana: Also known as "The Diamond      Vehicle," this branch of Buddhism is associated with the use of      tantra and mantra in order to achieve enlightenment more quickly. It's      mostly practiced in Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and parts of India, Mongolia and      Russia.

  • Zen Buddhism: This is a form of Mahayana Buddhism      that originated in China and was later developed in Japan. It emphasizes      the practice of meditation and the attainment of enlightenment through      direct experience, rather than through study and intellectual      understanding.

  • Pure Land Buddhism: This branch of Buddhism is      centered around devotion to the Amitabha Buddha and recitation of his      name. It's mostly practiced in China, Japan and Korea.

  • Nichiren Buddhism: This form of Buddhism is based on      the teachings of the 13th century Japanese monk Nichiren, and emphasizes      the recitation of the Lotus Sutra and the chanting of "Nam Myoho      Renge Kyo" as a means of attaining enlightenment.

These are just a few examples of the many different sub-schools and sects within Buddhism. Each has its own unique history, teachings, and practices, and some are limited to certain regions of the world.

how about madhyamaka

Madhyamaka, also known as the "Middle Way" or "Mādhyamika," is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the emptiness (shunyata) of all phenomena, including the self. It was founded by the Indian philosopher Nagarjuna in the 2nd century CE. According to Madhyamaka, the ultimate nature of reality is emptiness, which is the absence of inherent existence in all things. The Madhyamaka school has two main sub-schools: the Svatantrika and the Prasangika.

  • Svatantrika Madhyamaka: This sub-school holds that      conventional truth exists, but ultimately, all things are empty of      inherent existence.

  • Prasangika Madhyamaka: This sub-school holds that      only ultimate truth (the emptiness of inherent existence) is ultimately      valid, and that conventional truth is dependent upon the ultimate truth.

The Madhyamaka school of Buddhism is considered by many to be the highest and most profound teaching of Buddhism, and has had a significant influence on the development of Tibetan Buddhism.

It's important to note that Madhyamaka is a complex and abstract philosophical system that requires a deep understanding of Buddhist thought, and it may be difficult to fully grasp its teachings without proper guidance and study.


how about shengton

Shengtong, also spelled "Shentong," is a sub-school of Tibetan Buddhism that emphasizes the nature of the mind as being empty and radiant. It is also known as "empty of other" or "other-emptiness." The main proponent of Shengtong was the Tibetan master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292-1361), who lived during the 14th century.

Shengtong teachings differ from the Prasangika Madhyamaka school, which is the most widely studied and practiced in Tibet. Shengtong holds that the ultimate nature of reality is not just empty of inherent existence, but also has a positive, radiant quality, which is the true nature of the mind. This true nature is known as "rangtong" or "self-empty" and is said to be present in all beings, but obscured by ignorance and mistaken appearances.

Shengtong teachings also hold that buddhahood is not only attainable by eliminating the obscurations of the mind but also by directly realizing the innate potential of the mind. This potential is called "the ground of all" or "the all-ground" and is considered to be the source of all buddhas and phenomena.

Shengtong teachings are considered to be more esoteric and are primarily studied and practiced within the Jonang tradition, a sub-school of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, and it's not as widely studied or practiced as other Tibetan schools.

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    最具前景的下一代互联网。基于自然语言的互联网  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (86)
      比这个小玩具有前景多了。  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (139)
        你这个小玩具也就是一个 chatbot  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (77)
          带了点风投的商业噱头,根本没啥技术含量。  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (67)
    所以,谷歌目前还是安全的。不可替代。  /无内容 - pifu01 01/22/23 (50)
  用中文把它难到啦,哈哈 - pifu01 01/22/23 (74)
    宗各巴?有没有纠正错字错音的能力?  /无内容 - FVCK 01/22/23 (74)
      宗喀巴 播报 编辑 讨论1 - FVCK 01/22/23 (68)
        是啊,为什么问他?他的缘起赞,我学习过,非常棒 - pifu01 01/22/23 (68)
          他的时代正是西藏和中国历史非常动荡的时代 - FVCK 01/22/23 (71)
            是个非常有魄力的人。今天我的课堂上还提到他 - pifu01 01/22/23 (56)
              这里有他的传记 - pifu01 01/22/23 (64)
                这个传记好懂一点,法尊法师翻译的 - pifu01 01/22/23 (113)
                  谢谢。以前看过一本庸俗武侠,里面提到密宗五教,主流为黄教  /无内容 - FVCK 01/22/23 (58)
                    红教是最古老的(宁玛派),黄教后来居上,但现在可能有 - pifu01 01/22/23 (59)
      有。我问的那个shengton,我拼错了,它帮我纠正了  /无内容 - pifu01 01/22/23 (59)
      风投 DS 良知 这都哪是哪?啥逻辑?  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (100)
        比尔盖茨豢养生物老千,所以 金主==良知?  /无内容 - a自由人 01/23/23 (48)
        JDVance耶鲁法学院毕业、畅销作家,现在做风投,超级川粉  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (64)
        我们Ohio新当选参议员JDVance耶鲁毕做风投,超级川粉  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (82)
          J.D. Vance Senator (OH) wiki: - a自由人 01/22/23 (134)
            希望你能看看他的书。你所谓川普引起中西部选民不满完全是谎言  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (95)
              JD Vance和Ohio大多数选民都相信败蹬在大选中舞弊!  /无内容 - a自由人 01/22/23 (67)
    一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出,就好啦  /无内容 - pifu01 01/22/23 (52)
      干脆进都不进更好。哈。  /无内容 - pifu01 01/22/23 (67)
      没有显示,这里 - pifu01 01/22/23 (78)
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