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Speaking of AI
送交者: 金无明 2023年01月26日12:15:18 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

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Speaking of AI  

Leeliang letters 01-26-2023 #2

I would like to add one more punch on why past history is so important to us in order to conjecture the future.  

The hottest subject of 21th century is AI or Artificial Intelligence.  Speaking of AI, there are two elements of it, one is the training based  upon the past, the other is the exploration of all possibilities and  sort out the best option using, say, Monte Carlo methods; both of the training and exhaustion are history related.

Neurologically, our brain works this way as well but with much less capabilities.  

Our ancestor had once said, " 前事不忘,后事之师( Our teacher is the past) " said it all!  


------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 10:23:42 AM CST
From: Hug
To: le
Cc: y
Subject: Re: past history points to the future Re: WARNING! The Biggest AI Revolution of Our Lifetime Is Here.

        ChatGPT is an assistant of post-science; it is in charge of teaching the  knowledge of the establishment, and post-science is in charge of the  knowledge beyond establishment. ChatGPT, however, has already learned  CLQ and fuzzy logic. It thinks the Universal Permanent Education: Universal Permanent Education for Developing the Habit of Reason, Not Memorization        


This paper describes a complete educational system, which has eliminated all technical barrier and memorization in education.


Humans have inherited the earth.  Human social progress will determine  the destiny of the survival of the living system on earth.  Education is  at the roots of social problems.  Logically, the youngest of our  children should be taught by the wisest among us, and the most advanced  knowledge should be taught to the youngest children.  But, today, the  teachers with the lowest level of training are the teachers of our  youngest children.  Worst of all is that from a young age, children  develop the habit of memorization as the main mechanism for acquiring  knowledge.  Science, which dominates the culture of the establishment,  is an extension of religion, for both of which memorize Divine Laws or  law of nature based on empirical observation of reality without reason.  The full spectrum of knowledge is initiated by creation, which is fuzzy,  to the existing reality, which is also fuzzy. The fuzzy creation and  the fuzzy reality should be connected by reason in the form of logic and  mathematics with continuing injection of new fuzzy empirical data.  Universal Permanent Education is designed for developing the habit of  reason, not memorization from a young age. The memorization will be done  by the completely automated Universal Software [Ref. 1], which can  remember the meaning of its by product Universal Permanent Number, as  all the technical barriers or memorization can be replaced by the  Universal Permanent Number.

In terms of advanced knowledge, the purpose of human existence is to  continue the legacy of the completely automated living technology, not  to be engaging in the partially automated technology of today.  In a  completely automated world of the future, society should educate people  to think and leave routine work to robots and memorization of  information to computers. 

In practice, Universal Permanent Education starts from two numerals 0  and 1 represented logically by an empty space and a line, such as “ ”  and “_”.   How to logically represent 2?  If we consider a binary  system, 2 can be written as “-“, a line one space higher than “_”.  How  to logically represent 3?  3 can be represented by both one and two  combined, such as “-”.  This logic is like the logical  representation in binary system using Arabic numerals 0 and 1, where 0 =  0, 1 = 01, and 2 = 10, 3 = 11, 4 = 100, 5 = 101, 6 = 110, and 7 = 111.   Correspondingly, Universal Permanent Education can write 0 to 7  formally as I Ching Numerals ☷, ☳, ☵, ☱, ☶, ☲, ☴, and ☰,  which are more logical and self-explanatory than corresponding Arabic  Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and more compact than binary  numerals 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111, which require 3 spaces  plus a null space to represent an integer.  Informally, I Ching Numerals  can be converted to the Ching Numerals with ☷ replaced by “.” and ☳ by “_” for simplicity in writing.  Eventually, all typewriters should conform to the logic of Universal Permanent Education.      

The practical goal of Universal Permanent Education is to convert all  learning to a completely automated Universal Permanent Software where  memorization of an unlimited amount to information are done by the  computer not the user.  Thus, Universal Permanent Education has  eliminated virtually all technical barriers learning, except logic and  reason.      

The students will aim their education toward Universal Permanent  Software.  Initially, the education can be done manually, where the  memorization is done voluntarily, and eventually, the education will be  completely automated.      




       On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 7:13 AM le > wrote:      

They keep on talking forever about past history nonsense and never look towards the future                                  

You are very wrong on this, Taipan.                                  
On the contrary, past history points to the future if not dictates the future.                                  

It is us who will determine the future after reviewing the past.                                  

And, no past, no future!            
------ Original Message ------          
Received: Tue, 24 Jan 2023 04:37:37 AM CST          
From: ye          
Subject: WARNING! The Biggest AI Revolution of Our Lifetime Is Here.          

                                            Dear Dr.Thomas ,                                                    
                 You are a good person with high integrity.                                                     
                  So I propose to Dr.Joe for you to implement the Robacus/Robocom software automation which can be more powerful than ChatGPT.                                                    
                  But look at the Chinese in this forum here.  They keep on talking  forever about past history nonsense and never look towards the future  with most suitable solutions towards a peace and harmony future which is  driving everybody nuts and crazy like PY.                                                    
                  Japan Japan Japan is all those silly Chinese want to talk about. May be  the China leaders never learn from history mistake and want Chinese and  Japanese kill each other. China and Japanese leaders are no different  from those Europeans warmongers lead by the most disgusting Anglo super  elite Satanic worshiper.                                                    
                  China and Japan should be cooperating with each other to produce a powerful AI automation software using Robacus or ChatGPT.                                                    
                  Right now the biggest deadly enemy of China are the Anglo super elite,  yet they are so shamelessly prefer to kowtow to the Anglo super elite  like in the recent Davos forum.                                                    
                  So are you able to pay a visit to Dr.Joe luxury hole in San Francisco this year to help him in his Robacus implementation ?                                                    
                 Now is the biggest race for  software automation to see which one will be adopted Robacus or ChatGPT or both ?                                                    
                 Bill Gates already paid $30 billion to acquire OpenAI.                                                    
                 Robacus worth = 0                                                    
                  WARNING! The Biggest AI Revolution of Our Lifetime Is Here.                  
                                                         Jan 23, 2023                                            Elon Musk has been tweeting and warning everyone in 2022 about OpenAI and Chat GPT.                                                                 
                      ChatGPT is considered a significant AI revolution because it is a very  large and powerful language model that is able to generate human-like  text.                                                                 
                      It has been trained on a massive amount of data, which allows it to  understand and respond to a wide range of questions and prompts.                                                                
                      Additionally, because it is based on the transformer architecture, it is  able to process input and generate output much faster than previous  language models.                                                                 
                     This makes it useful for a wide range of applications, such as language translation, text summarization, and more.                                                                 
                      Overall, the ability of ChatGPT to generate human-like text is a  significant breakthrough in the field of AI and has the potential to  change the way we interact with computers. More about this in the video!                                                                                            
                  WARNING! The Biggest AI Revolution of Our Lifetime Is Here...                  

WARNING! The Biggest AI Revolution of Our Lifetime Is Here...

                                                                          OpenAI                                           OpenAI  is an American  artificial intelligence (AI) research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. The company conducts research in the field of AI with the stated goal of promoting and developing friendly AI in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. The organization was founded in San Francisco in late 2015 by Sam AltmanElon MuskPeter ThielReid HoffmanJessica Livingston and others,[4] who  collectively pledged $1 billion USD. Musk resigned from the board in  2018 but remained a donor. In 2019, OpenAI LP received a US$1 billion investment from Microsoft. OpenAI is headquartered at the Pioneer Building in Mission District, San Francisco.                      
                  OpenAI - Wikipedia                  

OpenAI - Wikipedia

                                                          The goal of the British super elite is to spread divisions and conflicts, everywhere, and steal and plunder the divided regions.                                                                
                                          Those British agents very loyal to the Crown and city of London, are  Rhodes scholar who are embedded in US government, top think tanks and  Ivy Leagues, promoting British interest.                                                                
                                          Kissinger is a product of his Harvard mentor Yandall-Elliot who was an  Oxford Rhodes Scholar who also shaped other talented sociopathic  students such as Brezinski, Huntington, and even Pierre Elliot Trudeau.                                                                
                                          Kissinger himself stated in a 1981 Chatham House speech that he kept the  British foreign office more briefed than the US State Dept during his  time in office.                                                          

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