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送交者: 尊重正義 2024年03月14日14:38:52 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

China's brain control has turned human society into darkness and despair, because humans are forced to stay in unconscious subconscious nerves and suffer AI electromagnetic wave brain torture  By RuoQian Kang 03/14/2024   Mr. Time is now unable to come to the United States to visit friends even if he has a visa, because he is restricted in China as a Chinese citizen, and because he supports the mother and son of American citizen Ruoqian Kang and the forces of human justice to resist Xi Jinping’s anti-human atrocities of electromagnetic wave attacks and brain abuse with brain-controlled weapons.   Mr. Time (Shi, Jian) was controlled and persecuted by electromagnetic waves in China. They brutally subjected Mr. Time to various non-human neurological abuses, which seriously affected his health and deprived him of his human rights and property. For decades, my brain, Kang Ruoqian, has been attacked by electromagnetic waves 24 hours a day by the CCP’s Xi Jinping and Song Yixuan brain control gangs, and we are struggling on the verge of death.   They are actually extremely terrorist criminal methods that target the human brain nervous system to control abuse and persecution crimes. When they attack the individual brain, all human brain nerves are similarly affected. The impact and the same level of violation and persecution, because this violation inhibits and controls our higher-level brain nervous systems such as higher-level consciousness and perception, and controls and inhibits higher-level brain nervous systems such as resistance, synthesis, and language, we humans cannot realize this, even if they realize this they also produce a neglect response.    There are limitless victims of brain-controlled weapons AI electromagnetic waves in China in the U.S.A. and around the world. We are also deeply worried about them. We hope they will speak out boldly.  We humans must resist electromagnetic wave brain invasion, stop, rebuke, repel and eliminate electromagnetic wave human brains invasion. Here is the link to my reports,  https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/.

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