天。犬。吞。月。 |
送交者: 迷思 2025年01月24日17:49:54 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
If you like to learn Chinese! lets start from here, Telling you the stories of Chinese words. you can remember them easily. you do not need to say them. you keep memory them with images in your mind because of the stories. 犬 。。means dog ,。 it is a little more than big (大).。 but still less than sky or god。 (天。)in our heart and mind. we all love dog, and it is our best friend indeed. we saw dog。 犬 。is between big。 大。 and god 。天 。in chinese, they are look so similar in Chinese. The word dog is one of few words can write from left to right as dog, and write from left to right is God,。 God ,and dog, is combine of three same letters “ G” 。“O” 。“D”. 月 。。means moon, 口 。。means big mouth, 吞。。means swallow, engulf . it is combined with a big mouth (一,。大,。口) When total lunar eclipse happened, we have the story to describe the event in chinese. The dog from heaven eaten up the moon. 天。犬。吞。月。 |
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