驳斥岳大状师的日本是中国山寨企业水平论: |
送交者: 衣冠禽兽 2011年05月05日21:30:06 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
$61 Japan: It doesn't innovate as much as the US, but its tech prowess means a lot of high-end manufacturing value stays there. $7 China:Often more of an assembly line for other nation's wares, work here accounts for only 3.6% of an iPhone's production cost. $48 UNSPECIFIED $11 US: While America doesn't make much of what goes into the iPhone. It's always better to innovate than to fabricate; just see Apple's profit. $30 Germany $23 South Korea. 以上数据由时代周刊提供。 美国只花11刀的设计成本,就赚了大把的钱。 而日本/德国/南韩仰仗自己的 高技术生产能力。 中国就是出卖劳动力组装。。。。 |
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