请注意发帖的时间顺序: 陆小民: 看来我们老陆家基因池不错。至今未见过比我孙女更漂亮的女孩。 可惜不能登上照片(技术问题)。 慌兮兮:那当然。癞痢头的孩子自己的好。 陆小民: 严重同意。(请注意当事人陆老对慌评论 并没有“反感/反对”) 陆小民: 不过我的大孙女中美通吃! 慌兮兮:no relevance to your genes. (慌兮兮的跟贴 仅就陆老大孙女中美通吃 发表个人观点,没有任何攻击内容) 陆小民:和我没关系,难道和你有关系?(大家看看 陆老话里隐含着神马) 。。。。 补充证据: 送交者: 陸小民 2012月03月06日18:07:47 每周三次羽毛球,周末去看三個美若天仙的混血孫女,其余时间上网和网特,汉奸们斗,我的退休生活十分充实,快乐,幸福。 陆老认为:“我们老陆家基因池不错” “孙女中美通吃” 慌兮兮:no relevance to your genes. (你的基因并非那么重要) Noun 1. relevance - the relation of something to the matter at hand relevancy connection, connexion, connectedness - a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare" materiality - relevance requiring careful consideration cogency - persuasive relevance point - a style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect applicability, pertinence, pertinency - relevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand irrelevance, irrelevancy - the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand 显然陆老把 no relevance to 理解为“毫不相关”了,导致情绪失控。。。 |