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送交者: 暗夜尋燈 2013年07月03日10:53:26 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

I'm starting a new thread becuase the other one has become very divergent.

What I would like to discuss is the issue of whether a society has the right or obligation to regulate and enforce a marital standard.

Since there is a tendency for ganders to be gotten up on such a volatile issue, I want to respectfully ask that posters retain a certain modicum of decorum when contributing.

For instance:

1. Assume that those who disagree with you ARE NOT ignorant patsies of one political organization or another but rather that they hold their convictions based on reasoned moral, political, and theological (if appropriate) thought.

2. Refrain from short flippant answers that serve only to show your cleverness with words and do not contribute to any reasoned debate of an issue.

3. If you have a point to make, back it up with logic, references or whatever is appropriate.

I think that we can learn a little something about humanity if we stick to the issues rahter than focusing on those supporting or defending any particular position.



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