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Mao put money into his own pocket
送交者: QingXingChen 2008月06月22日19:06:09 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 看毛的年轻时代:天生一个坏种儿babicoco 于 2008-06-21 20:41:58
When Mao told Zhang Shizhao to collect money for studennts to go abroad to study, Mr. Zhang Shizhao got whole bunch of money from his own family and his friends. But Mao never gave a penny to any students. He prevented that he went to Shanghai port to say goodbye to the students. Actually he went back home with all the money. So far after so many decades, there has been nobody who stood up to say he or she once got money from Mao and went to study abroad. Mao put all the money into his own pocket. That was also why the first Chinese Communist Conference, held in Shanghai, invited him as an observer, because he could pay some cost. That is also why he tried to protect Mr. Zhang Shizhao in those crazy years. The reason, Mao once said, was Mr. Zhang supported Chinese Communist financially.
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