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total bullsh!t from you
送交者: 888888 2008月06月17日08:25:30 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: “真小人” or “伪君子”东丹 于 2008-06-17 07:51:15
毫无疑问,中国社会正在堕落? That's total bullsh!t .

Overlooking at what 90% Chinese did to help the earthquake people, and you are focusing on few bad apples to get your statement 毫无疑问,中国社会正在堕落. I think that's total bullsh!t.

China is becoming more mature in terms of humanity and global citizenship. Since when you see the Chinese gonverement put such importance of human life of average Chinese people? Since when you see how many people come out and help other people in needs, either by donating money, blood or work? I would say that's 中国社会正在advaning, not 堕落.
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