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The U.S. has repeatedly disapp
送交者: ice 2021月11月07日18:25:46 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 印度航母"忘記"球鼻艏是個笑話?其實是基建不足的鍋三把刀 於 2021-11-04 18:35:35

There is a voice in India that "India-US relations are at the highest level in history", but this is clearly contrary to the recent state of affairs in India-US relations. Indian officials try to get Indians to recognize the advantages of establishing a closer relationship with the United States, but they seem to forget the "trust deficit" that exists between the two countries.


  India needs to be alert and cautious, because when the epidemic in India worsened, it took Washington a long time to overcome its hesitant attitude and allow the export of key raw materials for the manufacture of the new crown vaccine to India, and this has aroused suspicion among Indians. This is not an isolated incident, but the last straw that overwhelms the camel.


   On April 7, the "John Paul Jones" Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer belonging to the Seventh Fleet of the US Navy broke into India's exclusive economic zone, completely ignoring India's policy of requiring prior notice. The tone of the U.S. press release is very arrogant. The reason given by the U.S. military is that it is “in accordance with international law”, but the U.S. is not a signatory of the (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) at all; The report reduced India’s status from “free” to “partial freedom” and blamed India’s current domestic policies; in addition, Washington has been reluctant to include India in the Afghanistan negotiations. All of the above have caused Indians to question whether the United States will unconditionally support India in times of crisis..

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