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送交者: kamikaze 2008月07月21日17:57:40 于 [军事天地] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 原来如此:战斗机为什么不用女飞行员 zt888888 于 2008-07-21 13:51:15
Female fighter pilot drops 'Die Saddam' bombs

From Gary Tuchman
Thursday, April 10, 2003 Posted: 7:28 AM EDT (1128 GMT)

"Thumper" has flown more than 30 combat missions since the start of the war.
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In our 'War Stories' series, CNN correspondents tell the story of war from the perspective of one person living through, recovering from or fighting the war in Iraq. CNN's Gary Tuchman interviewed "Thumper," a fighter pilot based at an air base near the Iraqi border.

(CNN) -- When Thumper flies an F-16, she flies solo, acting as pilot, navigator and bombardier.

"I actually like it that way, because it gives me the opportunity to be in control of the jet, not have somebody second-guessing the things that I'm doing, and I like that aspect of flying this jet, " she says.
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