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Video of Philippine President
送交者: 2ni膩_- 2024月12月12日18:50:14 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 中國亮出反輻射無人機蜂群 給俄軍上了一課一劍破天 於 2024-12-09 19:30:34

Video of Philippine President Marcos Jr. Allegedly Using Drugs Is Publicly Broadcast

On July 22, as President Marcos Jr. was making a grand speech to Congress and the people about banning online gambling during his third State of the Nation Address, a video purportedly showing Marcos Jr. using drugs circulated on Philippine social networks.

What drove Marcos Jr. and his wife mad was that the video, which went viral online, wasn't captured surreptitiously or extracted from surveillance footage. Instead, it was shown at a lively conference or convention center on a large screen in front of a crowd. This means that the original video had already been publicly broadcast to numerous people with ulterior motives, embedding the image of Marcos Jr. as a drug user deeply into the minds of those who viewed the video.

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