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送交者: 一劍破天 2014年11月06日19:53:42 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

 BEIJING: China is testing a new generation of military aircraft which includes the country’s first and most advanced stealth fighter believed to form the backbone of its air force.   The photos of fourth-generation stealth fighter J-20, airborne early warning and control system (AEW&CS) aircraft KJ-500 and Y-20 large military transporter, reportedly conducting tests flights, were published on a popular military forum, Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported.   中國正在試驗新一代軍機,包括據信將成為該國空軍支柱的最先進隱形戰機。   據香港的《南華早報》報道,四代機殲20、機載預警和控制系統飛機KJ-500和運20大型軍用運輸機進行試飛的圖片,被發布到一家受歡迎的軍事論壇。 以下是《印度時報》讀者的評論:   BM Man (Australia)   Please give us a break. China can not, even, manufacture it’s own engines. They import 3rd generation engines from Russia. JF-7 and JF-17 have Mig-23/25 engines. It is just hot air, comes of and on from China.   夠了。中國連發動機都不會造,三代機是從俄羅斯進口的。JF-7戰機搭載的是米格23/25的發動機。   本文是來自中國的吹牛 Sun (space)   What worries me more Pakistan will get that stealth jet for free.   更讓我擔心的是巴基斯坦將會免費得到那些隱形飛機   ragavender (Nagput) replies to Sun   Stealth means by China is some toy lead tainted paint coated on the outer surface of the normal plane. Good Pakis get disease after smelling the lead paint.   中國所謂的隱形無非是玩具用的油漆塗在普通飛機的外表面。不錯啊,巴基佬聞到這種油漆味後會生病的   ragavender (Nagput) replies to Sun   Good that Pakistan gets. Already its railway was sabotaged by China. Pakis railway was messed-up by junk Chinese trains. It is good to know pakist get junk planes also from China.   巴基斯坦能得到這些飛機也是好事,它國內的鐵路已經被中國破壞了,上面跑的都是些中國垃圾火車。   高興地獲悉他們也接收中國的垃圾飛機 Deep Bose (kolkata)   its Russian tech, prototyping in china for china.   這是俄羅斯的技術,給中國的樣機而已   Deep Bose (Calcutta, India)   ITS a Russian prototype,being tested in china , not chinese.   這是俄羅斯的樣機,拿到中國試驗而已,不是中國的 Kaushik Ray ()   India should keep a close watch on these chinkis.   印度應該密切關注這些中國佬啊   Rajnitik Ullu (sadak se sadan tak)   india must closely watch !!   印度務必密切關注!   ragavender (Nagput) replies to Rajnitik Ullu   Yes we see the paper kite!!!!!!!   Agree (0)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)   是的,我們看到了放飛的紙風箏! Vijayant (India)   World is full of this chinese garbage…looking at the design, it seems like a rip off from French and Russian jets…haha, what else do the smashed faced baboons know apart from stealing and copying   Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)   世界已經充斥着中國垃圾。看看那個設計,簡直就是剽竊法國和俄羅斯的飛機。哈哈,除了偷和抄之外,這些臉被打扁的狒狒還懂個球啊 Hemant Khanna (Mumbai(Bombay))   Wondering where the Chinese stole the designs from. Everything that they “manufacture” is somebody else’ idea or invention. They just go and file fake patents India should crush Pakistan, sooner than later. Then the Chinese won’t have Pakistan to do its dirty work. The whole world will then see what the Chinese are capable of when they have to do their dirty work themselves.   Agree (1)Disagree (2)Recommend (0)   不知道中國人從哪裡偷來的設計。   他們“生產”的一切東西都來自別人的創意或發明。   他們只是申請虛假的專利   印度遲早會碾碎巴基斯坦。這麼一來,巴基斯坦就不會幫中國人代勞那些齷蹉事情了,中國人只好自己親力親為,到時候全世界都會看到中國人的那點本事。  rsresh ()   Usually there are over-statements about military capability to keep adversaries guessing. These Chinese planes are obvious modifications of Russian originals like the Sukhoi. Stealth capability has not yet been demonstrated. It could well be a coat of paint that prevents reflection of radar waves. Let us not believe the speculations until there is clear evidence.   通常來說,聲明過度誇大了他們軍機的能力,以讓對手一直處於猜疑中。   這些中國飛機顯然是蘇霍伊等俄羅斯飛機的修修改改。   隱形能力尚未得到證實,也許只是塗上一層漆來避免雷達波的反射。   別盲目相信那些推測,等到證據出來再說 he Mir (Unknown)   So it gives craps to Pakistan and keeps the best they can make for yourself. Now everyone does that but it is laughable how Pakistan bets on its friendship.   也就是說他們把垃圾給巴基斯坦,好的自己留着用。   可笑的是巴基斯坦賭上了它的友誼   ladhra1 (USA) replies to Che Mir   Not just to pakistan , but to the world including India. Dumping all garbage in world market. That plane will have no capacity to fly over High mountains.   不只是巴基斯坦哦,而是包括印度在內的整個世界。   中國把垃圾傾銷到世界市場。   而這種飛機連高點的山都飛越不過去 amit ()   India’s New 5th generation plane is ready : Sukhoi Pak T 50. Hal with collaboration of Sukhoi.   印度新的五代機已經準備就緒!也就是印度斯坦航空公司與蘇霍伊公司聯合研製的T50 ragavender (Nagput)   Air Quality of these machines are guaranteed only for 6 months.   這些機器的質量保證只有6個月 mcspon07 (Right Here)   They still have the “Made in China Stamp” with half stolen technology from the US. I’d like to see its accidents and crashes report. The chinese can’t even drive properly let alone fly an airplane. I think they should just stick with Kung fu.   Agree (0)Disagree (1)Recommend (0)   仍然是貼有“中國產”標籤、用從美國偷來的技術造出來的飛機。   我想看看它們出事故和墜毀的報道。   中國人連車都開不好,更別提開飛機了。   我認為他們還是專心練習功夫就行 FreeToFollow IndiaFreeToFollow India (Bangalore)   “Made in China” nothing to worry about.   “中國造”嘛,沒啥好擔心的 bloggersuri (Location)   Chinese psychological warfare.   中國人的心理戰而已   bloggersuri (Location)   To become a military power you first have to become economic power.   要想成為軍事大國,你得首先成為經濟大國   Rajender . (Location)   By the time it comes into production they will be out dated.   Agree (3)Disagree (0)Recommend (2)   等到進入量產時,它們已經過時了哦 Aravindan Muthukaruppan (Kuala Lumpur)   They are good in stealing technology. Anyway it is acceptable.   它們偷技術的功夫了得啊。不管怎樣,這是可接受的   seham renganathan (Location   red dragon is increasingly becoming a menace to world peace   紅色中國龍越來越成為世界和平的威脅   bitterhoney6 (Location)   It is good that TATA is tying up with Airbus to build military planes in the country. French technology is far advanced than Chinese technology.   令人高興的是,塔塔與空客結成夥伴在國內造軍機。法國技術遙遙領先中國技術 wonder whose technology they have stolen this time, probably it’s of the Russians.   不知道他們這次偷的是哪家的技術,可能是俄羅斯人的   Manoj Kumar (Unknown)   Don’t worry guys.. these are “Made in China” will fail for sure suddenly…   各位,別擔心,這可是“中國造”,突然墜毀那是必然發生的…   Titus B Kurian (Unknown)   They are spending too much money on weapon making……   他們在造武器方面花太多錢了

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