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送交者: 嵐少爺 2014年04月26日00:22:11 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

SHANGHAI (AP) — A quarter of the police inShanghai began carrying guns during routine patrols for the first time thisweek as part of a China-wide boost in police firepower following a deadly massknifing blamed on Xinjiang separatists.


Ordinary police in China generally don't carry firearms, and noneof the officers patrolling the train station in the southwestern city of Kunming on March 1 wasarmed when at least five assailants began rapidly hacking at victims with longknives.


Before armed reinforcements arrived tosubdue the attack, the assailants were able to kill 29 people and wound morethan 140, raising concerns about the safety of crowded public places and fearsthat militants from the far western region of Xinjiang may seek to strike softtargets farther east.


China plans to introduce armed police patrols in several major cities,and started last Thursday in the central city of Xi'anand over the weekend in Shanghai and Qingdao. In Shanghai,about 1,000 of the 4,000 police have undergone special training — includingpsychological — to carry 9 mm pistols and started carrying them Sunday, thecity government said on its website.


China hasvery little gun violence and firearms are difficult to obtain, making thenotion of armed patrols a novelty that drew mixed feelings among someresidents.



as a Chinese,i have to say im shocked by the comment.Our media(CCP media included,yes,your eyes did not go wrong) alyways post some news and stories that shows how nice the life in US is.for example how high the income in US is and how safe the life in US is.That made a lot of Chinese got a perfect,or i say,unreal imagination of US.But nothing is perfect in the world.i doubt whether my mind will collapse or not if i come to US one day and found myself deceived by our own media.


I had visited this safest large city in the world. Even police don't carry weapons.


You mean the vast majority of Law Enforcement officials in China were not extensively trained to operate a sidearm in response to a deadly attack? That speaks volumes about the unarmed and less-lethal training that they have received, but I still think this is a step in the right direction. Their people need to be protected from these gruesome mass killings.


Does that mean Hongkongers are more violent than mainlanders - HK police have been carrying guns for the past 170 years!


It expresses that China has been very safe for civilians,but things has changed since some extreme Islamic thugs and terrorists started several terrorism attacks in China. America,Russia and China all face the extreme Islamic terrorism in the future,so please judge these terrorism attacks by one standard

這表明中國是非常安全的地方, 但是自從極端伊斯蘭暴徒幾次對中國發動恐怖襲擊情況已經開始改變了。美國,俄羅斯中國都面臨伊斯蘭恐怖主義的威脅,所以請用同樣的標準審判這些恐怖分子

China is one of the safest places in the world when you compare the population to crimes. Sure you might get nap by the government but that is very small percentage.


Working in medicine, in China, I never saw a patient with gun shot wound. In US, if you work in ER, you see GSW nightly, if not several cases a night. In outpatient offices, your patient especially African Americans, every third, 4th, or 5th patient has one or a few scars from GSW or stabbing wounds. Freedom to own guns; for my patients, they apparently had the freedom to get shot due to this other people's freedom. Some patients shoot themselves by accident, or on purpose (suicide). There are others injured their family members, friends. I never saw a criminal (such as a thief) got shot by somebody defending themselves when being attacked and came to the hospital. Were they all killed and send somewhere directly? Probably not. If you or your friend have an experience defending yourself using your gun, post here. At times, I feel the need to carry a gun in this country too but have not. In Beijing, I stroll the streets after midnight with no worries of being shot at all.


But the western Media told me that China was such a evil and dangerous place. You mean the evil policeman that oppress the people everyday and don't let the people have any freedom don't even carry guns? I would have thought by now that the Chinese government would have continued to kill millions everyday and soon there would be no one left in China. I did not know China was the most evil place on earth. I guess living in China, I am just too brainwashed. I can only wait for my number to be called so that I can be killed. Chinese government can I have my 50 cents now? Thank you, I can now eat one grain of rice. America come save me from my government!


Can you imagine the gun violence that China would have if everyone was allowed to have guns ? Chinas population dwarfs the United States and their gun murders would dwarf the U.S. if the NRA controlled their society like they control the American society.


How about letting citizens carry their own protection?


As the Kunming attacks taught (though it's obvious) - it usually takes good guys with guns to stop homicidal criminals


Chinese cities and society, in General, are safe places to live, to study and to work, policeman on duty were in no need to carry weapons at any given Chinese city.. Many foreign visitors and business and even missionary work and teaching there say so too..
it is unfortunate and sad to see the extereme religious terrorist cult, funded by foreign special interest group with dirty political motive, random killing innocent people, threat the comfort and safety of the whole society 
Good to see Police are getting the right tool to keep the law and order, to keep public safe from those terrorist group.


Even the 100% gun controlled China has realized that banning guns does not prevent violent crimes and murders.
Gun grabbing libs, are you guys reading this stuff or are the facts too inconvenient for you?


Out of voer 50 uniform police in China, I did not see a single one with a pistol -- some had empty holsters and a few with rifles in the honor guard. One plain clothesman was armed with a revolver under his shirt. He was giving orders to some of the uniformed police with empty holsters. 


China is still a much safer place than most of the world.


It was a peaceful land


smith & wesson's stock price will go up very soon !!!


Kind of funny, a large part of the US population is better armed and trained than the Chinese police. Go figure.


I lived in Shanghai for many years. I don't think I've ever seen a police officer or security guard with a firearm. Even the heavily armored 'money trucks' had guards with beanbag shotguns.

沙包彈的槍(不知道beanbag shotgun怎麼翻)

"China has very little gun violence and firearms are difficult to obtain." Unlike the US, where guns are plentiful and gun violence is routine.


Chinese police carry no guns? What a surprise! So much for 'totalitarian state'


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