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送交者: SDUSA 2014年05月05日07:51:07 於 [軍事天地] 發送悄悄話

Here’s an Even Better Look at China’s Giant New Cruiser

Type 055 details emerging

One photo at a time, Beijing’s military-industrial-media complex is slowly showing the world the Chinese navy’s giant future warship, the Type 055. The latest disclosures include a glimpse of the vessel’s potentially sophisticated new radar.

The first blurry, low-resolution images of the new cruiser—more accurately, a land-based mock-up of the ship—showed up on Chinese Internet forums in early April.

It’s customary for Beijing’s military planners to leak increasingly high-resolution photos of new weapons to Internet enthusiasts, in order to build grassroots public support for military modernization.

The mock-up is at a technical institution in Wuhan, where the Chinese navy sometimes tests the electronics for new warships before building floating prototypes.

Based on its size relative to a nearby model of China’s sole aircraft carrierLiaoning, the Type 055 mock-up appears to be 603 feet from bow to stern, roughly as big as a U.S. Zumwalt-class destroyer but nearly 100 feet longer than an American Burke-class destroyer and 36 feet longer than a U.S.Ticonderoga cruiser.

The Type o55 could pack a hundred or more long-range missiles, making it one of the most heavily-armed vessels in the world.

The sensor mast at Wuhan. Photo via China Defense Blog

Chinese engineers spent three years tinkering with the Liaoning model before the flattop commissioned into active naval service in 2012. “Using this same timeline,” China Defense Blog noted, “we might expect the keel of the new cruiser to be laid in 2015, with a 2017 commission date.”

But in order for that to happen, in the next three years the Type 055’s developers need to work out all the kinks in the cruiser’s presumably highly-complex suite of sensors, computers, communications and weapons.

To that end, in early May the first photos appeared depicting what appears to be a test model of the new ship’s sensor mast at Wuhan, jutting from the brush near the vessel’s hull mock-up. The Type 055 could carry theType 346A radar, an improved version of the sensor on the latest Type 052 destroyers.

The Type 346A is an electronically-scanned array sensor, meaning it does not use mechanically complex—and unreliable—rotating dishes. Rather, the radar includes many small, fixed emitters, each of which can scan and track independently. But making an AESA work requires lots of intensive computing.

The Wuhan testing will be critical to the Type 055’s success as a frontline warship. Continued disclosures by the ship’s government boosters could be a sign that the development is proceeding as planned—and China is producing a huge new warship it can be proud of.

David Axe’s new book Shadow Wars is out. Sign up for a daily War is Boring email update here. Subscribe to WIB’s RSS feed here and follow the main pagehere.

      深蒂最近比較鬱悶,罵娘也是出於無奈,咱不必對她要求太高。  /無內容 - fangemin 05/05/14 (295)
        咱既未用F-word,也沒有當你爹的打算,何來罵娘之說?只因  /無內容 - SDUSA 05/05/14 (306)
          你發明了性奮點一說,又躍躍欲試,所以指點你 - SDUSA 05/05/14 (270)
      不要選擇性遺忘:性奮點理論是誰發明的?我只是借用而已。  /無內容 - SDUSA 05/05/14 (328)
      你最好先勸范葛氏不要主動找碴,老貼專職罵街狗皮膏藥。  /無內容 - SDUSA 05/05/14 (302)
        養不教,誰之過?  /無內容 - SDUSA 05/05/14 (293)
        一個母網奸說這話不臉紅,還專強調那兩字加引號,讓大爺往哪伸?  /無內容 - qwtie66 05/05/14 (310)
          這句貼了100遍了。你不是已經伸出來了麼,還問往哪伸? - SDUSA 05/05/14 (308)
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