卡卡MM的唱給這歌附予了新的感覺, 2 號MM的圖也更美了
1234567的排列組合,算了算, 如一歌有 30 字, 機械的組合有 (3x7)的30方次,但是有多少組合是悅耳的呢?
終有一天, melody 的問題會成為 a math problem, with current ability of optimization algorithms, this can be easily coded into a program with certain rules as constraints, a draft melody can be generated from computer for musicans to work with based on styles. but it takes artist's talent to come up with the final melody that machine can not replace, each musician/artist has certain invisible box, it is hard for them to break, it needs external input to break it,
to break the box, machine generated melody is a good place to start with out of box melody
just like painting, with finite # of colors to use for each pixel, combination is finite, so pictures can created by computer as well with guided rules
have a meeting to go, 胡說八道了