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微雨唱首《If You Were A Sail Boat》
送交者: 微雨 2022年11月07日18:16:25 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話


我非常喜歡Ketie Melua的歌曲. 她的作品大多是Light Blues, Light Jazz & 鄉村歌曲形式。前兩年我翻唱過她幾首歌,有一個朋友說我蠻適合唱她的歌,於是又開始學習翻唱她的歌曲了,手機錄歌各種瑕疵請見諒,不過有人說我倆聲音還有些相似,哈哈哈。*** 視頻是採用Katie Melua的原版剪輯編制的。mp3好像上載不了,什麼原因啊?

If you were a cowboy I would trail you
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor
If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you were a river I would swim you
If you were a house I would live in you all my days
If you were a preacher I'd begin to change my ways
Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
If I was in jail I know you'd spring me
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long
If I was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs
Sometimes I believe in fate
But the chances we create
Always seem to ring more true
You took a chance on loving me
I took a chance on loving you
If I was hungry you would feed me
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light
If I was a book I know you'd read me every night
If you were a cowboy I would trail you
If you were a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Mike Batt

  唱得地道!  /無內容 - 老好人 11/19/22 (57)
  唱得好棒!  /無內容 - 高歌低吟 11/19/22 (31)
  好聽,贊微雨!  /無內容 - 一荷 11/13/22 (82)
    謝謝一荷鼓勵...難得見到你:):)  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (65)
    謝謝花花,好久沒來了,看到老朋友很開心!  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (70)
  好久不見微雨,英文歌也那麼棒,全才!  /無內容 - 墨脈 11/12/22 (91)
    謝謝墨脈,實在是太忙,只能偶爾來逛逛。  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (60)
  真牛!我連用英語撒謊都不會。👍  /無內容 - santa999 11/12/22 (113)
    你看你又忽悠人了吧,那麼多專利論文咋寫的?  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (85)
      是你不是妳,哈哈哈  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (82)
        計算機出問題了?是你.......  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (75)
          求版主幫忙修改一下,我快瘋了......  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (70)
            告訴你一句實話吧😄 - santa999 11/15/22 (76)
  幽靜浪漫,熱烈鼓掌!  /無內容 - 江毅 11/11/22 (101)
    謝謝江才子!  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (57)
    恭喜大蘋果,當版主很辛苦,感謝你的奉獻!!!  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (68)
  謝謝分享 微雨的歌唱的很好聽 常回家來  /無內容 - 溪水清幽 11/09/22 (115)
    謝謝溪水鼓勵,一有空就回來看望你們!  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (62)
  I'll be the wind to blow ~~~  /無內容 - arrowing 11/07/22 (91)
    哈哈哈,難怪船開得那麼順暢,謝謝  /無內容 - 微雨 11/14/22 (75)
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