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【2012高山年慶】<All I Ask of You> 艾莉、陽光貓
送交者: 陽光貓 2012年04月21日12:30:50 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
周末的家庭音樂Party上我帶去了一位很喜歡聽我們歌的朋友艾莉。 她雖然沒有受過任何聲樂方面的訓練,但勝在天生麗質和對音樂的敏感,最後我們和鋼琴師和了一曲 Phantom of the Opera: 里的 “All I Ask of You” 作為音樂聚會的結束曲, 為現場注入了溫馨,也給大家留下了深刻的印象。

值得一提的是, 現場的嘉賓中有一位我們這個年紀都很熟悉的VIP,即在 80 年代 “美國之音”中文廣播 《英語 900句》的主講者-----何麗達女士。 她今年 89 歲,依然神采奕奕,氣質非凡。

All I Ask of  You------艾莉, 陽光貓

No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you

Say you'll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summer time
Say you need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you

All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always beside me
To hold me and to hide me
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/phantom_of_the_opera/all_i_ask_of_you.html ]
Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Christine, that's all I ask of you

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me, each night, each morning

Say you love me

You know I do

Love me, that's all I ask of you.

(They kiss. Raoul lifts Christine off her feet, into his arms and holds her)

Anywhere you go, let me go too
Love me, that's all I ask of you
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