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水云间:Sissel【Summer Snow】
送交者: 水云间 2006年01月19日06:30:27 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

summer snow
it's summer snow in the deep blue sea
i try to touch, but it fades away
it must be a dream i will never get
just like my love that's crying for you
if there were something not to change forever
we could feel it deep, deep in our heart
today is over with a million tears
still everyone has a wish to live

oh, i do believe ever lasting love
and destiny to meet you again
i feel a pain i can hardly stand
all i can do is loving you
it's summer snow in the deep blue sea
i try to touch, but it fades away
it must be a dream i will never get
just like my love that's crying for you
just like my love that's crying for you


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