介绍LLACTAMASSIS (Americamanta) |
送交者: chinese_wolf 2007年05月26日16:13:29 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话 |
听说高山服务器升级成功工作正常了,来冒泡试试.:D 麦城的山民朋友们听得到有共鸣就也请冒冒泡哈! 不行咱又下潜.:)) 和麦城有何关系呢?多年前,我太太在St Louis做internship时,认识一起的一位麦大来的美国女孩.她们一起逛MALL时碰到一个MUSIC GROUP在表演并出售CD,那美国女孩就象见了老乡一样跟他们聊上了.原来他们就是从麦城来的演出组合.我太太和那女孩都买了CD. 下面是从CD封里抄下来的, With our work, we would like to preserve the memories of Americamanta and share the traditional culture of the Andes. LLACTAMASSIS continues to share the musical culture of Otavalo Ecuador with other cultures of the world. Our music is an expression of life in the Andes and is part of an evolving circle of music. By bringing forward our culture, we proudly can contribute to the cultural evolvement of the world. LLACTAMASSIS offers our traditional music in its New Expression of Andean Folklore. 只上了三首, 1. Llactamassis (Sanjuanito-Ecuador)
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