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夢圓【Don't Cry for Me Argentina】
送交者: 夢圓 2008年12月02日16:55:02 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
Don't Cry For Me Argentina From musical "Evita" Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber Lyrics by: Tim Rice It won't be easy, you'll think it strange When I try to explain how I feel That I still need your love after all that I've done You won't believe me All you will see is a girl you once knew Although she's dressed up to the nines At sixes and sevens with you I had to let it happen, I had to change Couldn't stay all my life down at heel Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun So I chose freedom Running around, trying everything new But nothing impressed me at all I never expected it to Don't cry for me Argentina The truth is I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance And as for fortune, and as for fame I never invited them in Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusions They are not the solutions they promised to be The answer was here all the time I love you and hope you love me Don't cry for me Argentina Have I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you. But all you have to do is look at me to know That every word is true
  難以言喻的美!感動!  /無內容 - emory854 12/07/08 (125)
  欣賞夢圓的好唱!  /無內容 - 北雁南飛 12/05/08 (162)
  Very peaceful singing.  /無內容 - life_is_short 12/05/08 (158)
  Good singing!Applause.  /無內容 - changlan 12/05/08 (125)
  夢園的歌很精緻。細膩的演繹,情在聲中。金鼎  /無內容 - madcity 12/04/08 (155)
  這麼大的歌,專業,厲害。  /無內容 - liyan 12/04/08 (159)
  夢圓這歌唱的實在太好了。起立鼓掌。  /無內容 - 萬方 12/04/08 (124)
    沒在研歌,聽歌如同欣賞國畫和油畫 - blueranger 12/04/08 (133)
  金鼎夢圓, 非常好.  /無內容 - 夢江南_ 12/04/08 (160)
  專業水平,太厲害了。  /無內容 - 子丹^ 12/03/08 (153)
  夢圓謝幕了,咱也得送個大鼎!  /無內容 - 老醋 12/03/08 (131)
  beautiful !! DD!!  /無內容 - jetcome 12/03/08 (151)
  經典,好聽!真是一種享受~  /無內容 - wannafanta 12/03/08 (123)
  幾近完美! 聽了N次。專業rendition. - musicx 12/03/08 (584)
    好評,好評!! - 釘子 12/03/08 (349)
      釘子好 - 點綴 12/03/08 (344)
        來而不往非禮也 - 釘子 12/03/08 (331)
          好人 - 點綴 12/04/08 (279)
            你的善意俺能感受到,心領了 - 釘子 12/05/08 (150)
            釘子是深入的點綴,點綴是柔雅的釘子。怎麼能分開呢?  /無內容 - musicx 12/04/08 (180)
              釘M打眼,點G掛綴,絕美! 釘子留步!!!  /無內容 - blueranger 12/04/08 (179)
                金玉良言 - 點綴 12/04/08 (162)
              比喻形象 心地美好 - 點綴 12/04/08 (203)
                點綴駐山,跟貼大增讀性,多謝!  /無內容 - blueranger 12/04/08 (171)
                  謝藍騎 - 點綴 12/04/08 (154)
    喜歡夢圓的唱,也欣賞這個評論, - 希陽 12/03/08 (366)
      哈 姐呀 - 釘子 12/03/08 (322)
        哈,妹呀, - 希陽 12/04/08 (244)
        源自心靈的瑰寶 - 點綴 12/04/08 (255)
          俺很貪心。魚我所欲也,熊掌亦我所欲也。二者 - 夢圓 12/04/08 (156)
  哈哈,唱得得意忘形,非常地道  /無內容 - 予白 12/03/08 (210)
  夢圓:不凡的歌藝 - 點綴 12/02/08 (207)
  經典E歌,精美演繹!夢圓唱什麼都是精品!  /無內容 - 古鐘 12/02/08 (154)
  非常喜歡的歌,夢圓唱得感人動聽!  /無內容 - xlbr 12/02/08 (146)
  好!賣當娜到高山了啊。主旋律 - 3haoqi 12/02/08 (194)
  夢圓的E歌唱得真好,你是個多面的歌手,佩服  /無內容 - ~園園~ 12/02/08 (146)
  這嗓音真天籟,歌聲感人!  /無內容 - 鳴不驚人 12/02/08 (315)
    天籟?那俺真是受寵若驚了。謝謝誇獎!  /無內容 - 夢圓 12/02/08 (216)
  沙發,慢慢欣賞.一定棒!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 12/02/08 (198)
    好久前想唱又沒唱的好歌,你功力不凡,鼓掌~~~!!!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 12/02/08 (202)
      哪裡,期待你的演繹!  /無內容 - 夢圓 12/02/08 (155)
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