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【Moscow Nights】-- 树烨子
送交者: 树烨子 2012年06月29日05:11:13 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

【Moscow Nights】-- 树烨子

Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound

Softly shines the moon clear and bright.

Dear, if you could know how I treasure so

This most beautiful Moscow night.


Lazily the brook, like a silv‘ry stream

Ripples in the light of the moon,

And a song afar fades as in a dream,

In this night that will end too soon.


Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes,

And your lovely head bent so low?

Oh, It‘s hard to speak, and yet not to speak

Of the longing my heart does know.


Promise me, my love, as the dawn appears

And the darkness turns into light,

That you‘ll cherish dear thru the passing years                                   

This most beautiful Moscow night.


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